Endometrial cancer
Endometrial cancer is the most common tumor disease that occurs in the female population. The characteristic age of development of this disease is postmenopausal period (60-70 years).
Endometrial cancer begins to grow on the inner layerthe uterus. Muscle fibers can be involved in the process. In these cases, the tumor is called a sarcoma. To detect this type of cancer can be even at the initial stage of its development. Characteristic signs of sarcoma are bleeding from the vagina, arising during periods between menstruation or after menopause. The cancer of the endometrium at the first stages of development is almost always successfully cured by surgical removal of tumor cells. However, in other cases (sprouting into the surrounding organs or the appearance of distant metastases), similar results are observed much less frequently.
Quite a long period of developmentdirectly affects endometrial cancer. Symptoms of this disease appear in the first stages. These include bleeding from the vagina, which appear during periods between menstruations. Other signs of this disease include lower abdominal pain, significant weight loss, metabolic disorders. Vaginal discharge may be whitish or pink.
To date, there is no definite theory,which reveals the mechanism of development of the tumor process. Several predisposing factors have been identified, including changes in the concentration of sex hormones (progesterone and estrogen), genetic mutations. The first reason can be called decisive. This is confirmed by studies according to which an increase in the level of estrogen stimulates the process of growth of the endometrium, which increases the risk of cancer degeneration. This hormone is increased by the following factors:
- Longer duration and irregularity of the menstrual cycle,
- absence of pregnancy,
- overweight,
- diabetes,
- taking medications (tamoxifen, analogues of hormones),
- tumors of the ovaries, colon, mammary glands.
Endometrial cancer can be complicated by anemia, whichis the result of chronic blood loss. To it the general or common signs join: a dyspnea or short wind, the raised fatigability. Treatment of complications is carried out together with the underlying disease.
For the diagnosis of endometrial cancer is usedbiopsy and smear-taking on the Pap smear. The first procedure allows to obtain a tissue sample of organs in which the tumor process is suspected. A Pap smear is a screening method, as it allows you to exclude another disease - cervical cancer. With insufficient biopsy information, a method of scraping is used, which consists in inserting into the vagina a special instrument with which the part of the endometrium layer is removed. Later, a smear is prepared from this material, which is examined under a microscope. To directly determine the condition of the pelvic organs, ultrasound is used, which is carried out by inserting a special sensor into the vagina.
In case of confirmation of endometrial cancer of the uterustreatment consists in the appointment of radiation therapy, hormonal drugs or chemotherapy. With a significant tumor size, a surgical operation is performed. It can be total and subtotal. The first option involves removing the entire uterus and lymph nodes located near it. In the subtotal operation, the part of the organ that is not affected by the tumor process is retained.
Prophylaxis of endometrial cancer is to eliminate predisposing factors. It includes taking progesterone, contraceptives.