Hypoplasia of the endometrium and its role in infertility
Hypoplasia is an innate pathology,which occurs during the period of intrauterine development and is characterized by underdevelopment of tissues, organs and the organism as a whole (microsomia or nanism). It can have a combined form and manifest violations in the structure and structure of several organs at once.
Hypoplasia of various organs in a child canarise when smoking a pregnant woman, using alcohol or certain pharmacological drugs. In addition, underdevelopment of the uterus and endometrial hypoplasia can develop with fetal injuries, overheating, or gamma-ray effects even during intrauterine development. In addition to lesions of the genital organs, hypoplasia of the thyroid gland and kidneys can develop.
How to treat endometrial hyperplasia? This is determined after the ultrasound monitoring.
It is worth noting the important role of thickness of the mucouslayer of the uterus in a woman's ability to become pregnant. Thus, the endometrium consists of a functional and a basal layer. During menstruation, the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected, but due to the regenerative properties of the basal endometrium, it is restored in the next cycle.
Endometrial Hypoplasia: treatment depends on the degree of thinning of this layer. The use of high doses of estrogen and low doses of aspirin, physiotherapy, alternative medicine (hirudotherapy or acupuncture), other techniques aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvis, as well as herbal remedies based on sage can be used. It should be remembered that any violations of the endometrium should be eliminated taking into account their etiology. Unfortunately, such violations are not amenable to therapy, and the effect of the treatment is temporary.