/ / When to contact a vascular surgeon

When to go to a vascular surgeon

Unfortunately, a lot of modern residentsplanets have various problems with veins and vessels. These problems can not be ignored. Therefore, it is necessary to turn to a vascular surgeon. This specialist will help with the prevention, detailed diagnosis and treatment of patients with blood vessels.
Today you can call an incredibly large number of congenital abnormalities of veins and arteries, as well as acquired vascular diseases with which you must make an appointment with a vascular surgeon.

The essence of vascular surgery is that it ismicroplastic. Here the specialist constantly deals with very traumatic surfaces of small vessels, which are difficult to heal. In addition, the surgeon in the vessels deals with sewing the rough extremities.
This specialist will help, for example, cure:

  • tumors (hemangiomas);
  • congenital malformations;
  • atherosclerosis.

As for atherosclerosis, this is the most frequentthe reason that forces people to seek the help of vascular surgery. Previously, only elderly people were sick with such a disease, but today young people often suffer from atherosclerosis. This disease is characterized by the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels. As a result, the diameter of the lumen of the vessel is significantly reduced. This leads to the fact that normal blood flow stops, and the organs stop working well and get the right nutrition.

Vessels are found throughout the human body.the body, so sometimes it is very difficult to determine the presence of a plaque in a particular artery, capillary, or vein. Only when the plaque becomes so large that it interferes with the feeding of the blood of the organ, it will be possible to determine its presence. But this symptom is incredibly dangerous and, unfortunately, can lead to a fatal outcome. For example, the first symptom of having a plaque in the brain is a stroke, and the heart attack symptom is a heart attack.
So, the vascular surgeon deals with such organs:

  • veins;
  • vessels;
  • arteries.

Consultation of a vascular surgeon need for such symptoms:

  • heavy legs;
  • edema;
  • asterisks;
  • migraine;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pain in the legs while walking;
  • convulsions.

Unfortunately, vascular surgeons can notto cope with a hereditary predisposition to vascular disease. In addition, they argue that it is rather difficult to prevent such a disease. But there are factors that contribute to the occurrence of vascular diseases, which can be easily eliminated. For example, you need to stop smoking and start watching your weight. After all, hypertensives, which smoke and are overweight are more prone to atherosclerosis than athletes that monitor their own diet. In addition, in order to avoid vascular disease, it is important to monitor the pressure, and periodically consult a specialist for preventive consultation.

Necessarily to the vascular surgeon followsto address people with diabetes, aortic aneurysm, those who are predisposed to strokes, or have already experienced at least one stroke, patients with atherosclerosis, varicose veins, affected by lymph nodes.

The vascular surgeon will be able to offer the patient an optimal variant of surgical intervention with the help of deep diagnostics.

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