Components of blood. Thrombocytes: normal in women
The composition of the blood is such an element asthrombocytes. They are cells that are responsible for clotting of blood. Consequently, both lower and higher contents may adversely affect the state of human health. To be sure, it is recommended to take at least a general and detailed blood test every year.
Thrombocytes: normal in women and men
Reduced blood platelet count
Platelets above normal
This is a very dangerous phenomenon, which canchange depending on the time of year and time of day. Since platelets are responsible for maintaining the blood liquid state, the norm in women and men, or rather, its increase, can lead to a violation of blood circulation in blood vessels, blood clots can form. In addition, the increased content of these cells in the blood can be observed after heavy physical exertion, inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis or rheumatism of acute type), hemolytic anemia and severe blood loss.
It is interesting!
About twelve factors affectingcoagulability of blood, contain exactly platelets. The norm in women and men is almost identical, regardless of age. When the blood vessels are damaged, the platelets aggregate and form a "wall", which is an obstacle to further leakage of blood. But most importantly, if from the platelets in the human body, fold the chain, it would have a length of about 2500 km.