ESR in the blood. Normal for women: upper and lower limit. The reasons for the increase
By donating blood for analysis, with a routine examination orhaving addressed with a malaise, we, naturally, consult about results. And we listen to a more or less detailed report from the lips of the doctor about the level of sugar, cholesterol, leukocytes and what kind of "soya" we have. So the most often heard by ear is the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation - ESR.
How to determine this indicator
If you leave the blood in the tube for sometime, it will collapse. By adding a certain drug to it, laboratory assistants prevent this process to allow the red blood cells to precipitate. At the same time, a clear transparent plasma remains above it, its height is measured in an hour. Thus, the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation is measured in millimeters per hour.
ESR in the blood. Normal for women
This is quite an inert indicator. He says only that in the human body there is an inflammatory process, not indicating the cause. Thus, an increased level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be in both normal angina and malignant neoplasm.
Of course, doctors do not ignore thisindicator, but it is impossible to diagnose, knowing only the level of ESR in the blood. The norm in women, for example, is generally very unstable. This is due to a number of factors.
Let u be the average of the normalsedimentation rate of erythrocytes from two to fifteen millimeters per hour, but the monthly hormonal shifts also affect the level of ESR in the blood. The norm in women is often determined individually. If you regularly visit one doctor, then he will have the opportunity to determine your personal standard. This will take into account chronic diseases, age, the presence of allergies, hormonal levels and other factors.
Give blood to check sedimentation rateErythrocytes should be in the morning, on an empty stomach, unless, of course, this is an emergency. To more accurately determine the indicator, it is better to donate blood for analysis several times - so you can see it in dynamics.
Why determine the level of ESR
Even if we take into account that the rate of ESRblood in women - the variable is variable. It can help the doctor figure out, for example, the reasons for your dizziness. And decide whether there will be enough vitamins and walks in the open air (at a normal rate) or you should conduct a deeper examination of your body to find out why the level of ESR in the blood has increased. The rate at women, for example, at pregnancy reaches to forty five millimeters at an o'clock is three times above in comparison with a usual status! And in the first trimester the level of ESR can be reduced, and by the third it gradually increases and remains so in the postpartum period.
Reasons for changing the indicator
So, if there is an elevated ESR in the blood, the reasons can be different. Among them are the following:
• Infectious-inflammatory diseases;
• trauma, fractures;
• operations;
• Collagenosis.
If there is no inflammation, and the level of ESR is high, then it is possible:
• Tumors;
• poisoning;
• kidney disease.
Reducing the level of ESR in the blood often indicates the presence of anemia, allergies, liver disease, high concentration of red blood cells, the effect of certain medications taken.
The level of ESR in the blood is a kind of express test of your body, like pressure or body temperature, it is especially difficult to say something concrete, guided by this indicator of a woman's condition.