/ / Treatment of giardiasis in the home

Treatment of giardiasis at home

Clarifying what giardiasis is, first of allit is necessary to mention its infectious nature. This disease is caused by parasitic protozoa. Infection with lamblia occurs when the water or food contaminated by them gets into the body. You can bring the infection and dirty hands in your mouth. Thus, giardiasis has another name - a disease of unwashed hands. You can also infect during swimming in open pools and other water bodies where cysts are contained in the water. As a rule, children are more likely to become ill.

According to some experts, it is not necessaryto conduct a specific treatment for Giardiasis. The ailment in most cases passes by itself or is eliminated with the help of a very affordable Furozolidone. The dosage of the drug is 10 mg per kilogram of the patient's weight. During the first five days against the background of taking this drug in the treatment of Giardiasis can be added No-shpa.

Some doctors also prescribe Tinidazole and McMiore.

The majority of specialists agree that in the presence of parasitism, intensive medical treatment of giardiasis is inexpedient.

In eliminating the disease in a child, parents often resort to traditional medicine. Treatment of giardiasis with herbs, in their opinion, is less traumatic than taking medications.

Tincture of black poplar is considered effective. The recommended dosage is forty drops per glass of raw milk or warm water one hour before meals three times a day. The course of admission is twenty to thirty days.

Treatment of giardiasis at home can bespend and with the help of tincture of garlic (ten or twenty drops two or three times a day for half an hour before eating with milk) or tansy (five grams per glass of water in three meals in a warm form). It should be noted that contraindications to the reception of the last resort is pregnancy.

They also apply an ordinary pumpkin. 300 grams of seeds are used to treat adults. They are ground in a mortar. After the last portion, the container is washed with water (50-60 ml), which is drained into the mashed seeds. You can add honey or jam (50-100 g). The mixture must be mixed thoroughly. The resulting mass is taken on an empty stomach in small portions for an hour. After three hours from the last reception take a laxative.

An effective tool are cornstigma. Ten grams of raw material is poured into a glass of hot water (boiled), insisted. Take the drug should be three or four times a day for a tablespoon (you can two).

Often used in the treatment of sowing oats. To prepare the preparation, pour a glass of raw material into a liter of water. The mixture then melts before evaporating a fourth of the original volume of the liquid. Take the drug is recommended three to four times a day for two glasses.

It is very effective in the treatment of Giardiasis is phytospora. Its structure includes the roots of valerian officinalis and elecampane high, herb wormwood and common oregano, cloves, tansy flowers.

In addition, the root of gentian and anise licorice, fennel (fennel), fig fruits, peppermint leaves and other medicinal plants possess antiprotozoal properties.

Very useful and tjubazhi (cleansing procedures). A very effective approach, according to many experts, is the integrated application of activities. As with the treatment of other parasitic infestations, drainage procedures, phytotherapy and clinging (hardware damage of pathogenic microorganisms) are advisable.

One of the important components of lambliasis therapyis also a diet. In the diet, it is necessary to include pectin-containing products in the form of natural enterosorbents (blueberry jelly, rice broth and others).

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