/ / The best cure for headache - folk medicine

The best cure for headache is folk medicine

Many people are trying to find the best remedy forbouts of pain, because numerous medications, although relieve the unpleasant sensations, but have a negative impact on the work of other internal organs. Finding an effective cure for a headache is sometimes quite difficult, because to do this you need to determine the type of discomfort and their causes.

According to statistics, women are more likely tosuffer from attacks of pain in the head. While this fact scientists can not explain. In any case, if you regularly suffer from uncomfortable sensations of this kind, you should not postpone your visit to a doctor. After all, this can indicate serious pathologies in the body.

So, to understand how to treat a headache,it is necessary to understand the source of the problem. One of the most serious causes is migraine, while pain, which is pulsating, lasts for several days. Usually, a migraine attack occurs immediately after sleep, and sometimes the degree of pain reaches the highest level, and it becomes absolutely impossible to tolerate it. In addition, the standard headache medication is not able to defeat the attack, so the person continues to suffer even after taking the maximum possible dosage.

The main symptoms of this disease arethrobbing pain, which is manifested by attacks, nausea, vomiting, exacerbation of reaction to bright light and loud noise. The person becomes irritable, the unbearable pain does not allow to fall asleep. Constant insomnia, stress and lack of appetite further worsen the patient's condition. Migraine is a serious disease, the treatment of which should be approached with special attention. Usually the specialist conducts a computerized tomogram of the head, and on the basis of the results obtained it is a complex treatment. If you are suffering from migraine attacks, doctors are advised that instead of the usual painkillers, which will prove to be ineffective, acquire a remedy containing the substance of tryptane. In the field of alternative medicine, a leaf of cabbage is considered a medicine (it should be applied to a sore spot). Scientists say that in mushrooms oil contains a substance that relieves aching pain.

The cause of pain can be highor low pressure. Sometimes the head hurts due to stress, natural disasters or the influence of other external factors, and in some cases this state of affairs is explained by the pressure of the formed tumor. The latter is considered a life-threatening pathology, which can subsequently lead to a complete loss of vision or other important functions.

So, it is necessary to select a certain cure forheadache, starting from a specific cause. It is worth knowing some tricks that help get rid of any type of pain. For example, a cold compress on the forehead or hot shower removes unpleasant sensations for a while. If the discomfort is associated with a cold disease, then the best treatment will be chaga infusion 30 grams three times a day. The same infusion can be buried in the nose or make a compress on the forehead and whiskey. It should be noted that the use of chaga has a strong effect on the body, so it is forbidden to use antibiotics or glucose simultaneously intravenously.

If we talk about traditional medicine, thenwith a headache will help such a medicinal herb as pyrethrum maiden. Over a hundred years ago this remedy was used as a real medicine. And you can use it as fresh (then a standard dose is usually considered one leaf), and in the dried. From the grass you can make a miracle tincture. Just forty drops - and a painful attack, no matter how it happened. Rosemary also proved itself as an excellent medicine. Often it is simply brewed and consumed instead of tea during the next attack, because it is known that this herb eliminates spasm of the vessels of the brain.

The cure for a headache can be in the form oftincture, decoction or tea, the main thing is that it should be effective. In addition to the main features, it is also necessary to take into account secondary factors. For example, people regularly engaged in sports may have a lack of fluid in the body. Because of this, there are pains in the head, and to eliminate them, it is enough to drink up to two liters of clean filtered water a day.

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