Folk remedies and remedies for menopause
Unfortunately, a condition such as menopause,occurs on the path of every woman in a certain age period. If we consider this phenomenon from the biological point of view, then it represents a simple transition of the female organism from one state to another. Transients accompanying menopause may be too painful to go unnoticed.
Accordingly, drugs with menopause - nota whim, but rather a necessity, but the most important thing in this case is to choose the right medicine that will not only cope with all the side effects of the change of periods, but also support the female body in excellent condition. A woman who started menopause is no longer capable of conceiving and giving birth. Menstruation stops, its accompanying symptoms disappear.
To alleviate menopause,should be aware of what to take with menopause. However, before talking about the appointment of treatment, it should be noted that women's transient processes can be divided into periods. That the situation does not become too depressing, it is necessary to not admit heavy current of all changes occurring in an organism of the woman. Medicines for menopause at its initial stage should be phytohormonal drugs. Also biologically active additives are necessary: they contain hormones that can support the female body at the desired level. In principle, any drugs that are needed to alleviate the climacteric sufferings have hormonal components in the composition, but provided that the drugs are prescribed, they will not harm the body. Moreover, if the onset of menopause is already behind and menopause occurs, then hormonal support is indispensable.
Adherents of traditional medicineclimax should be sought in the field of phytotherapy. In this case, the various herbs used for treatment will not have a negative effect on the body. For example, to facilitate not too good health during the tides, characteristic for menopause, you can take a decoction or tincture from the black stalker, this plant is the family Lyutikov. If there is a so-called climacteric neurosis, accompanied by insomnia, irritability or, conversely, apathetic condition, then you can not do without a calming decoction based on St. John's wort.
However, do not forget that traditional medicine to reduce the symptoms of menopause should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.