/ / Cholesterol in the blood: the norm for women and men

Cholesterol in the blood: the norm for women and men

Cholesterol is the main indicator of lipidexchange, which is the determining factor for the possible development of vascular arteriosclerosis. When examining people with cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemias and liver pathologies, it is mandatory to determine the level of such a substance as cholesterol in the blood. The norm for women of this biochemical indicator is slightly higher than for men. Why is this happening? This will be discussed in this article, as well as how to reduce cholesterol in the blood with diet, folk and medicines.

How to reduce cholesterol in the blood

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is an organica lipid compound that is contained in the cell membranes of humans and all living organisms. In our body, about 80% of cholesterol is produced. It is synthesized by cells of the liver, kidneys, adrenals, intestines and sex glands. The remaining 20% ​​comes with a diet.

What is cholesterol used for?

As already mentioned, it is necessary asa building material for cell membranes, it is due to this that the cell membrane is dense. Cholesterol plays a huge role for the nervous and immune systems, it is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D, steroid hormones and sex (male - testosterone, and female - estrogen).

Cholesterol is necessary for the human body:

  • Bile acids and their derivatives are synthesized from it in liver cells. Without these substances, the process of digestion is impossible.
  • Without cholesterol, it is impossible to synthesize sex hormones - both male and female. And their shortage can negatively affect the reproductive function.

What is cholesterol in the blood for a little man? What is his norm? In these issues, we will understand this article. It is clear that the deficit of this substance has a bad effect on human health, just like its excess.

Cholesterol in the blood of women

Cholesterol in the blood. Norm for women

The normal value of this indicator variesfrom 3,0 to 7,2 mmol / l, depending on the age of the fair sex. The younger the lady, the lower the normal cholesterol, and with age, this indicator increases slightly, this is normal and depends on many factors.

With normal values ​​such as the total cholesterol in the blood, women in accordance with their age can be found in the table below.

Age of woman (years)The norm of total cholesterol, mmol / l
over 803,9-7,4

It can be seen from the table that the upper limit of cholesterolincreases with age. It is important to control cholesterol in the blood at least once a year. The norm for women (its upper limit), as can be seen from the table, increases with the number of years lived. This is due to the restructuring of the hormonal background of women, especially during the menopause. All working people, as a rule, once a year undergo a medical examination (physical examination), where they necessarily examine the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood.

Cholesterol in the blood of men

Cholesterol in men

Cholesterol in the blood of men is an importantindex. The fact is that male sex hormones do not protect the cardiovascular system (SSS), as do female sex hormones in the fairer sex. Therefore, the risk of the formation of atherosclerosis, cholesterol plaques and complications associated with obstruction of blood vessels in men at a sufficiently young, working age is higher than that of women. To get acquainted with the norm of total cholesterol in men according to age can be found in the table below.

Age of the man (years)The norm of total cholesterol, mmol / l
over 703,7-6,8

Statistics show that the frequencythe occurrence of strokes and heart attacks in middle-aged men is higher than that of women. In women, the risk of these diseases, as a rule, increases already in a mature age, during the menopause.

Cholesterol in the blood. Causes

Causes of increased cholesterol concentration

Why does cholesterol rise in the blood? The reasons for this increase (hypercholesterolemia) are very different, but most often the patient himself is guilty of this, or rather his lifestyle.

  1. Malnutrition, eatingproducts with a high content of saturated fats lead to increased cholesterol in the blood. Products such as fat, fatty meat, all sausages, pastries, fatty cheeses, can be included in the diet only in very limited quantities.
  2. Sedentary, hypodynamic lifestyle is a risk factor for increasing cholesterol concentration.
  3. Harmful habits, in particular smoking and drinking alcohol, are risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis.
  4. The presence of excess weight and obesity.
  5. Heredity.
  6. In middle-aged men, the risk of developingatherosclerosis and CVS is higher than in women. These diseases are a consequence of increased cholesterol. The chances of both sexes to develop these diseases are equalized only in old age, more precisely, after the onset of menopause in women, because in this period they may have increased cholesterol in their blood. The norm for women of this indicator in middle age (before menopause) is lower than that of men.

cholesterol in the blood is normal for women

How to restore normal cholesterol?

If the level of this indicator has increased, then itsmust be reduced in order to avoid negative consequences. How to reduce cholesterol in the blood? This can be done in different ways: to balance nutrition, folk methods, taking medications (statins), etc. How to reduce blood cholesterol with the help of nutrition correction?

If hypercholesterolemia is insignificant, there isdeviations from the norm of not more than 10%, then it is possible to normalize the level of cholesterol by means of a balanced diet, eliminating from the diet all fatty foods, confectionery products and abandoning bad habits - smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol in any concentration has a negative effect on health, so the rejection of it must be absolute.

Diet to reduce cholesterol

In food should be consumed:

  • Fresh vegetables and herbs, can be in the form of salads with a small amount of olive or linseed oil.
  • Fresh fruits, especially green apples and avocados (they are able to reduce the level of triglycerides).
  • Dairy products with low fat content.
  • Whole-wheat bread, you can with bran.
  • Products from soy.
  • Omelettes of protein and porridge.
  • Berry fruit drinks and natural juices.
  • Chanterelles mushrooms contain natural statins, so they should also be included in the diet.
  • Herring contains natural statins, but herto eat should not be salted, but in a baked form or cooked for a couple. Salt is also capable of retaining water in the body, thereby contributing to increased blood pressure, which in combination with increased cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques increases the risk of developing strokes and heart attacks.

Cholesterol in the blood. Treatment

Folk cholesterol lowering methods

What if the cholesterol rises in the blood? Folk remedies will help in this matter, if this indicator has increased no more than 10-15% from the upper limit of the norm.

Daily consumption of garlic and onions infor one month is able to reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) by 30%, or the so-called bad cholesterol. This will lower the total cholesterol in the blood.

A recipe for lowering the level is widely knowncholesterol based on lemons and garlic. To make it, you need 24 lemons and 400 grams of peeled garlic. From lemons squeeze out the juice, chop the garlic with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. All mixed and insisted in a dark place for 7 days. A teaspoon of this drug, previously diluted with cold boiled water, is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The therapeutic mixture prepared in this way will suffice for the course of treatment, which is repeated once a year. Contraindicated in case of gastric ulcer and exacerbations of pancreatitis.

Flaxseed can reduce cholesterol in the blood, it should be added to food.

Cholesterol in the blood. folk remedies

Cholesterol in the blood. Treatment medication

With a significant increase in cholesterol, you need to see a cardiologist. He will prescribe statin drugs, such as Vazilip, Lovastatin, Lescola Forte, Simvard, and others.

These medicines must be takencontrol of biochemical analyzes such as ALT, AST and bilirubin, since some of them are capable of provoking an increase in these parameters, ie, have a negative effect on the liver. Therefore, it is better if the drug to reduce cholesterol, you will appoint a doctor after a complete examination.

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