/ / Prevention of dysbiosis in infants: is there a manual for bifidumbacterin?

Prophylaxis of dysbiosis in infants: is there a manual for bifidumbacterin?

Dysbacteriosis - very unpleasant, and, that mostoffensive, quite common phenomenon. It can arise for many reasons: due to illness, taking medications, especially antibiotics, because of an incorrect lifestyle, etc. To some extent, 90% of the population has dysbiosis. It occurs as a result of a disturbance in the balance of microflora in the human intestine, when useful bacteria that make up the natural microflora of the human intestine die for some reason, and pathogenic bacteria and fungi take their place. It is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in the form of all kinds of intestinal disorders, and also has a disastrous effect on the body's resistance to infectious diseases. Very often, dysbiosis is the cause of the unexpected occurrence of allergic reactions in those who have never had them, and people who suffer from allergies for years can significantly alleviate their condition by getting rid of dysbiosis.

At children the dysbacteriosis meets even more often, than atadults, especially in infants who are on artificial feeding, since the child is born with a sterile intestine, which is subsequently sown by microorganisms from the surface of the skin of the breast and from the milk of the mother, and naturally, this possibility does not exist for the artificial animals. As a rule, babies, who for one reason or another are to be fed with the formula from birth, from the first days of life prescribe bacterial preparations, for example, bifidumbacterin liquid or in the form of a powder, which is then diluted with water. This helps to normalize the intestinal microflora, and consequently, to improve the digestion of food and to ensure normal growth and development of the child, as well as significantly improve immunity and resist the occurrence of allergic reactions. Also, the use of probiotics helps to combat diarrhea and thrush, which are nothing more than infectious diseases that result from a disturbance in the balance of microflora. In whatever form the bifidumbacterin is issued, the instruction in this case is necessary, since different preparations have different concentrations and, accordingly, dosage, so it is better to buy the whole package, rather than piece packets or bottles.

It should be noted that bifidumbacterin is liquidusually has a greater concentration and therefore more economical than dry preparations, the same Bifidumbacterin forte, but in a dry state the bacteria reach the intestine better, since they are less susceptible to the influence of the aggressive environment of the stomach. In addition, dry drugs can be used concomitantly with antibiotics, which helps to not cure ready dysbacteriosis, but initially to prevent its occurrence. In principle, when you buy bifidumbacterin, the instruction contains all the necessary information, and you need to make your choice based on its content, based on each individual situation.

If you doubt something, before yougive the child bifidumbacterin instruction will give you competent and specific answers to all your questions. Do not be too sensitive about the dosage of the drug: bifidumbacterin does not apply to drugs, and its overdose is impossible, although if it is less than necessary, the process of normalizing the microflora may be delayed. For the prevention of dysbacteriosis, the drug is prescribed 1-2 times a day, and for treatment - 3-6. The course of treatment can be from 5 to 30 days, depending on the condition and the attendant conditions, for example, concurrently taken medications. The course of treatment should be approved by the doctor, regardless of whether you have an instruction on bifidumbacterin or not. The drug is applied before meals or during it. Whether this information is included in the bifidumbacterin or not, as a rule, the mother, on the advice of the doctor or on her own guess, mixes the required amount of the drug with a small amount of a mixture or milk - so the baby eats the entire dose without any discomfort, and in case of poor appetite the drug does not vanish.

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