/ / Preparation "Lineks" for newborns

"Lineks" for newborns

Dysbacteriosis very often disturbs newbornsbabies, and the reasons for this may be mass. Most pediatricians consider this phenomenon to be quite normal state of the microflora of the intestine of the baby, and assures that it can be cured without resorting to medications. However, there are exceptional cases in which medical care can not be avoided.

Fortunately, there is one wonderful remedy, surprisingly restoring balance in the child's body. And this is the drug "Linex" for newborns.

No wonder this drug usessuch popularity among both doctors and among caring parents. Many people have heard about its properties. The drug "Lineks" for newborns (even the first days of life) is especially recommended, since it helps quickly and completely safely.

What is dysbiosis?

We all know that a baby is born withA sterile stomach in which both beneficial and harmful microorganisms are completely absent. However, with the ingestion of food into it, it is gradually populated with microflora.

Usually all these microbes are useful, but, it happens,that harmful microorganisms also enter the body. It is through the fault of the latter that the balance of the intestinal microflora of infants is disturbed, the tummy swells, colic appears, gases form and other unpleasant moments occur. And if harmful microbes prevail over the useful, then there is an ailment called dysbiosis. This is where the drug "Lineks" for newborns comes to the rescue.

By the way, microflora can not only be disturbedbabies, but also in children, switching to artificial feeding. But someone would not be bothered by dysbiosis - its negative impact on the development of babies is the same.

And if the disease is too prolonged, that isthe child does not get the necessary amount of nutrients, and all the food received is poorly absorbed, - then the child can develop badly in comparison with his peers.

Symptoms of dysbiosis:

  • Allergy;
  • Lack of weight;
  • Slow closures of the fontanel;
  • Later the appearance of teeth.

The drug "Lineks" for newborns is subject tosolving all of the above problems. Due to the high content of lactobacilli in its composition, this drug can maintain a normal environment in the intestine.

Since the safety of the drug is provenin many clinical studies, pediatricians appoint a linex not only for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, but also for its prevention. And really: why wait for obvious manifestations of this unpleasant disease, if you can displace all harmful microorganisms from the intestines of the child and prevent them from multiplying.

Means "Linex" for newborns - instruction

The preparation "Lineks" is issued both in capsules, and inliquid form. Of course, the second option is more acceptable, because you just need to add it (in a certain dosage) to milk (or food). But the medicine in capsules can also be used. You just have to dissolve their contents in the same milk or water and give the baby.

Take "Linex" for newbornsThe instruction recommends 1-2 drops (or 1 capsule) 3 times a day. Each of the techniques of this medication helps to ensure that lactobacilli enter the children's body in time, which has a beneficial effect on the baby's well-being.

Give a drug "Lineks" newborn betterbefore breastfeeding, as breast milk can break the taste of the medicine. Although this drug does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor or taste, yet most children do not like it.

The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. Improving the condition of the baby can be noted after the first week of the drug: its appetite increases significantly, and the feces normalize.

"Lineks" for newborns - reviews

Most parents remain satisfiedconsequences of the use of this drug. After all, it quickly solves the problem and, importantly, is absolutely safe. Therefore, reviews about its use are entirely positive.

The only thing you need to remember all withoutexcept that the "Linex" preparation can not be given to children suffering from intolerance to milk (since lactose is present in its composition). Other possible allergic reactions occur very rarely.

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