/ / "Linex" in pregnancy

"Linex" in pregnancy

As practice shows, even an insignificantpoisoning can cause frustration of microflora in the digestive system. A significant effect on her condition is also having antibiotics. To help the body maintain normal intestinal microflora, various drugs are used. One of them is Linex.

This medicine is considered to be a group of eubiotics. The drug is available in the form of opaque white capsules. Inside of them is a white powder. This drug helps to normalize the microflora in the digestive system. The composition of the medicament includes enterococci, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. These microorganisms contribute to the destruction of harmful pathogens. The presence of useful lactobacilli is a necessary condition for ensuring the normal functioning of immunity, the production of certain nutrients and vitamins and the creation of a natural level of acidity in the body. All these factors make it possible to apply "Linex" during pregnancy.

The drug is prescribed when it occursdysbiosis, accompanied by diarrhea, difficulty in digestion, increased gas production, constipation, vomiting or skin rashes. The doctor can prescribe "Linex" during pregnancy in case of colitis.

The composition of the drug includes lactose (milksugar). Therefore, the drug is not prescribed in cases of individual intolerance to dairy products. The drug is also contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance to its components.

In addition, what can be taken "Lineks" during pregnancy, it is prescribed and during breastfeeding. The medication is completely harmless to the health of the baby and mother.

"Linex". Mode of application

It is recommended to take the medicine after eating, washing the capsules with water. In case of difficulties with taking the capsule, its contents can be dissolved in water and consumed in this form.

For children from two to twelve years oldthe recommended dose is one or two capsules (or their contents) three times a day. For patients over the age of twelve years, the drug is given in a dosage of two capsules (or their contents) three times a day.

The duration of medication, as a rule,determined by the patient's own sensations. In the case of using the "Linex" drug during pregnancy, the duration of therapy is prescribed by a doctor. This also takes into account the degree of development of the disease.

If you accidentally take an extra capsule of the drug, an overdose does not occur. However, dosage should not be exceeded.

Medication can be used in combination with other drugs and dietary supplements.

Do not take the drug simultaneously with hot drinks (coffee, tea), alcohol or compote.

Do not self-assignmedication without medical advice. This is especially true for the prenatal period. "Linex" during pregnancy is prescribed only by the attending physician. Self-medication during this period is unacceptable under any circumstances.

Do not take medication in casesa significant increase in temperature and the detection of blood in feces. In the absence of the effect of taking the medication for two days, you should consult a doctor for advice. Manifestation of pains of a persistent nature in the epigastric region is an indisputable reason for contacting a doctor. It should be noted that they can have special reasons, the detection of which is possible only when carrying out the relevant analyzes and other diagnostic measures.

Store the medication recommended in remote locations from moisture and heat locations.

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