/ / Dysbacteriosis of the intestine - treatment and prevention

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine - treatment and prevention

Man is inseparable from microorganisms. Hundreds of species live on its mucous membranes and skin integuments. They are extremely important for the human body and most of them - 60% - work in the gastrointestinal tract.

Here they are waiting for pathogenic bacteria,causative agents of infectious diseases, help digest food, assimilate its micro and macro elements. Therefore, their role for human health can not be overestimated.

Loss of balance of microorganisms in the intestineleads to a dysbacteriosis. And this, in turn, can lead to a whole bunch of diseases, including serious ones. Cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, colon cancer - this is not a complete list of terrible diseases that can cause intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Treatment and prevention

It is easier to prevent illness than to treat it. And for this you need to know what are the causes of dysbiosis. Very often it is caused by uncontrolled antibiotic treatment. Antibiotic therapy often leads to mass death of beneficial microorganisms after the course of treatment, just like harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to take antibiotics only if prescribed by a doctor who also must prescribe a medicine that mitigates the negative effects of antibiotics.

Poor nutrition is another commoncauses of intestinal dysbacteriosis. Treatment in this case is a diet that excludes from the diet various marinades, sausages, mushrooms, beans, etc., that is all the foods that cause fermentation. Bad environmental conditions and frequent stresses can also cause intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Treatment should be necessarily comprehensive and include the following actions:

• elimination of excess bacterial contamination in the small intestine;
• restoration of normal microflora in the large intestine;
• Improved digestion and absorption in the intestine;
• restoration of his motor skills;
• stimulation of the reactivity of the whole organism as a whole.

Traditional medicine gives some recommendationsAbout how to cure dysbacteriosis of the intestine. First of all, this is the use of general health therapy, desensitizing treatment and antibacterial drugs (depending on the pathogen found). Also for the normalization of the intestinal microflora, enterosorbents (activated charcoal, Smecta) and antibacterial drugs (Linex, Hilak Forte, Enterol) are used. In addition, it is wise to use digestive enzymes to restore intestinal motility ("Imodium").

Than to treat a dysbacteriosis of an intestine - advice or councils of national medicine

1. Garlic - one of the best tools to help cleanse the body of pathogenic microbes. In addition, garlic has a good healing effect. On an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening it is recommended to eat 1 tooth.

2. Collection of rhizomes of ayr marsh - 20 g, leaves of peppermint and dioecious nettle - 40 g each, roots of dandelion and medicinal valerian - 20 grams, bark of alder-shaped buckthorn - 60 g. Take half a cup of broth daily in the morning and in the evening as a means that regulates the activity of the intestine.

3. Collection number 2: the bark of the alder-shaped buckthorn is 40 grams, the licorice root is 60 grams, the fruits of ordinary anise are 40 grams, the mustard seeds are 40 grams and the yarrow is 20 grams. Take half a cup of broth every morning and evening to regulate bowel activity .

4. Collection number 3: leaves of blueberries and currants, celandine grass, centipedes, mint and volosushki - equally. Take 30 g of collection and pour them 0.5 liters of boiling water, after which the night to insist in a thermos. Take half a glass of 3 to 5 times a day.

With such a diagnosis as intestinal dysbiosistreatment in most cases should be aimed at eliminating the causes that led to its development. In general, it is a disease of the twentieth century, caused by the uncontrolled use of antibiotics and malnutrition.

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