Autism is a violation of the development of the psyche. It is characterized by speech, motor disorders, behavior, which differs sharply from that adopted in society, which causes severe interaction with the society. This disease is observed in both adults and children.
Autism in the child: causes

At boys it meets much more often, than atgirls. The exact causes for which the disease occurs have not yet been established. It is noticed that heredity plays an important role in its appearance. So, for example, if the older child suffers from autism, then there is a probability (5-10%) that the younger child will be born the same. Some parents blame him for having a vaccination. However, studies have shown that it does not in any way provoke the appearance and development of the disease.
Children's autism: symptoms
The setting of the correct diagnosis complicates thethe moment that for this there are no special analyzes. The conclusion is made only on the basis of observation of the child. Therefore, parents must be extremely attentive and consult a doctor when the child has at least a few symptoms from the following:
- speech development delay;
- the lack of even "walking" and babbling for a year;
- the baby does not react when his name is called;
- he can not explain what he needs;
- from time to time hearing is broken;
- the child ignores the instructions and requests of adults;

- can not understand the functional purpose of the toy;
- does not tolerate eye contact, often does not go at all;
- Does not smile at anyone;
- the child is afraid of the new, lives within the limits of his own stereotypes;
- up to one year the baby does not do grasping movements with handles, does not point with his finger;
- at the age of two, there are no phrases in the child's speech consisting of two words.
Autism in the child: complications
Sometimes such children tend to self-torture. It manifests itself by causing significant damage to its own body. Also they have such a raised threshold of pain sensitivity, they do not feel anything, even if they seriously injure themselves.
Problems of the family with an autistic child

The whole complexity of such families is thatthey realize the seriousness of the situation not immediately. The evidencing signs that help determine autism in a child are interpreted for a long time as positive moments: the child's seriousness, talent in a certain area, etc. Thus, parents calm themselves. And when, after three or four or even five years, it turns out that the calmness, isolation, seriousness and giftedness of their baby are signs of illness, the family is experiencing real stress and remains in it for quite some time. When autism is detected in a child, most of all, of course, mother. After all, her worries, worries, fatigue are not rewarded with positive emotions from communicating with the baby. He does not give her a smile, does not linger on his hands, does not look into his eyes, often he does not care who is next: she or another person. The father is also subject to the same stress, although to a lesser extent, since he spends more time at work and has less direct contact with his son or daughter. Somewhat affected are the healthy sisters and brothers in the family, since their interests are often ignored in favor of an autistic child.