Autism in children: symptoms of the disease, as well as the causes and ways of treatment
Children are our future. Every child is a part of their parents, and, of course, there is nothing worse than that there may be something wrong with this part. From much in the life of the child can be saved, but to fight with congenital diseases is very, very difficult. Autism is one of these diseases.
What is this disease?
Autism is nothing but a disorder,It is caused by disorders in the development of the brain. Very characteristic of autism is the loss of interest in social communication, as well as a strong restriction of the range of interests. The first signs of this disorder can be observed already in children who have not yet turned 3 years old.
Mainly the causes of autism in children are the mostdirectly related to the genes that are responsible for the maturation and development of synaptic connections in the brain. True, there is an opinion that the fault is more often a mutation, and not heredity. Autism in children, whose symptoms are not always easy to detect on time, is a disease that is difficult to diagnose in the first years of a child's life, but its fact becomes more and more obvious every year.
Autism in children: symptoms
As mentioned above, it is not always easyto calculate autism in children. Symptoms of it become more noticeable and more noticeable every year, but it may take a long time before the parent, no matter how caring and loving he was, will understand that something is wrong with his child. The fact is that almost all parents to some extent believe that their child is ideal and nothing terrible can happen to him. They sound alarm when a child cries or complains of pain, but on such deviations as closedness and dislike for touch do not react, thinking that it is just his individual characteristics.
You have to be very careful to diagnose children's autism. Symptoms can be manifested in the following:
- communication;
- behavior;
- social interaction.
Because of autism, the child becomes closed anduncommunicative. From the characteristics of nature, it is different in that it is not that it does not like communication, but simply he does not understand it. Silence and being alone seem to him the only norm that is possible. An autistic child often does not recognize his parents and other people. An ordinary child from infancy can recognize those who have seen at least once in life, copy their facial expressions, and also respond to each person in their own way. A child with autism responds to everyone the same way. It may even seem that he does not discriminate at all.
Such a child is not able to participate incollective games. This can be caused by one of two reasons: the first is due to the fact that he does not understand what is required of him, and the second is that he does not really care about it. Instead of collective games, the children susceptible to this disease prefer to sit alone or draw something on paper.
Autism in children whose symptoms are hereare considered, also it is possible to define or determine on speech of the child: it always something cold, bezemotsionalnoe, lifeless. During the utterance of something, autistic children make long pauses, and also never look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
How to help a child who has autism
Treatment for each child should beindividual, as there is no magic medicine for this disease, which would help everyone at once. It is necessary to put the child on the account to the doctor who will write out the necessary medicines, will appoint necessary procedures and will explain how to communicate with such child. In general, for the treatment of such a disease use diet, psychotherapy, medications, physical exercises.