/ / Types of contraception

Types of contraception

Every woman who cares about her health,should take seriously the choice of means to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Modern means of protection allow you to rid yourself of troubling thoughts about unplanned conception.

Types of contraception

The most popular of these is the condom. It is quite reliable and accessible, moreover, its use does not have a negative effect on the body. The only exception is the presence of an allergy to latex, but such a reaction is infrequent.

The most modern types of contraception are spermicides. In their composition - the basis for effective distribution of the drug throughout the vagina, as well as a chemical that minimizes the activity of spermatozoa (or destroys them). The most commonly used is nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride. It has a harmful effect on spermatozoa.

It is noteworthy that the use of suchcontraindicated even during lactation. It does not have restrictions on age. Moreover, spermicides reliably protect against sexually transmitted diseases, they practically do not harm health, they can be used for a long time, and they are an additional source of lubrication. They are perfectly combined with other contraceptives. However, there are allergic reactions to this or that component, which is part of spermicides.

Hormonal types of contraception

With this method of protection,preventing unwanted pregnancy, taken orally. Each such agent has in its composition hormones, which, after getting into the body of a woman, prevent ovulation. It is advisable to consult a doctor, as the specialist will tell you which oral contraceptives are most suitable for you. It should be remembered that the use of such drugs is not recommended in the first few months after delivery and throughout the lactation period. The high contraceptive effect of these drugs is the presence of estrogens and gestogens in their composition.

For protection, you can also usevaginal ring, it is small and flexible, so it can be easily entered by yourself. Its advantage over tablets is that it contains much less hormones. It is important to remember that such a remedy must be removed after three weeks of use.

Intrauterine contraception is aspiral, which is introduced into the uterus. It contains a certain amount of a hormone, which regularly enters the body in small amounts. Such a spiral will protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy for five years, however, her installation is contraindicated in the presence of infectious diseases, as well as those of the fair sex who have not yet given birth.

The plaster that prevents conception is the most completereveals such a notion as "modern types of contraception." It is enough to glue it on the body, and protection from an unplanned pregnancy for a week is assured. In this patch contain hormones, which, getting through the skin in the blood, provide a high contraceptive effect.

Your choice can also be stopped on the subcutaneousimplant. Such a drug is placed under local anesthesia on the inside of the shoulder. This procedure should be performed only by a specialist. Implant is a rod with the following dimensions: length - 4 centimeters, diameter - 2 millimeters. It contains the hormone gestagen. The procedure for installing this tool takes several minutes. Its validity period is 3 years. During this time, small doses of the hormone will enter the blood, perfectly performing its function to prevent the process of ovulation.

Above, the main types of contraception for women were listed. The choice is yours!

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