Can I get pregnant by taking birth control pills, or how to choose the type of contraception
Every sane woman is protected fromunwanted pregnancy, but does not let go of the situation, hoping for "maybe". But what kind of contraception should I choose? How much can you trust this or that method? Can I get pregnant while taking birth control pills? What side effects can there be in different types of contraception? All these and many other issues are of interest to women of childbearing age.
How to choose a contraceptive?
It all depends on the regularity of sex and the number of partners. It is also necessary to take into account individual and anatomical features, age and health status.
With regular admission, manufacturers guaranteealmost 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy. The advantages of this type of contraception are the ease of use, speed of action, reliable protection. The main drawback of this product is the inability to protect against diseases that can be infected by a sexual partner. We need to closely monitor each pill and not miss a single day. There is a small risk of gaining extra pounds.
To understand whether it is possible to become pregnant while takingcontraceptive pills, you need to understand the work of this type of contraceptive. The hormone estrogen that contains these pills blocks the production of the dominant follicle by the ovary, and the woman becomes incapable of conceiving for the time being.
There are other types of contraceptive pills that thicken the cervical mucus and prevent sperm from entering the uterus. But this tool does not give 100% guarantee.
Candles and creams
This contraceptive has manyvarieties in the form of ointments, capsules, etc. The principle of action is the same: the candle (or its analogue) should be inserted into the vagina ten minutes before the sexual contact begins, and it lasts up to 4 hours. Many women are interested in the question: "If you use this type of contraception, can I get pregnant?" Taking contraceptives of this type, the probability of conception is very low, especially if you follow the rules of use, and also check the shelf life of the products on the package.
Pros: extra lubrication, protection from many kinds of diseases that can be infected through the genital tract, ease of use. By cons are side effects.
Barrier types of contraception (diaphragms, caps, as well as condoms)
Together with chemical contraceptivesmeans (spermicides) reduce the chances of getting pregnant practically to zero. Safe and easy to use. Condoms also protect against venereal and gynecological diseases.
This form includes intrauterine spirals,subcutaneous hormonal implants, etc. Spirals have a long-term protection against unwanted pregnancy. There are copper, silver and hormones, such as the intrauterine system "Mirena". Very effective, comfortable and have few side effects. Implants are administered subcutaneously and refer to the hormonal form of contraception.
Women after unprotected sex are askedquestion: "Can I get pregnant while taking birth control pills after sex?" The most important thing is not to miss the time. After three days, it is impossible to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. This method has many side effects and contraindications, does not give 100% of the result.
If you care about your health, then choosethose kinds of contraceptives that take into account all the properties of your body. Therefore, in order to get full information about the types of contraception, you can find out about whether you can get pregnant by taking birth control pills or using barrier methods of contraception, you need to contact a specialist. To select an individual remedy for an unwanted pregnancy, you also need to consult a doctor. Do not make a decision on your own - you can damage your body!