Sex before and after - contraceptive after the act
Contraception is a means, whose actionsaimed at combating unwanted pregnancy. Among the many methods that are used in contraception, hormonal, natural, mechanical and chemical are isolated.
The system of hormonal methods includes contraceptive pills (single and double cells), contraceptive patches, intrauterine plates and hormonal injections.
Among the most popular mechanical methods -it's condoms and spirals. It should be noted that their effectiveness is lower than hormonal methods. Condoms are female and male, although the latter are by far the most commonly used. The last type of contraception, which refers to mechanical contraception, is contraceptives containing substances that kill sperm, that is, spermicides. But, unfortunately, they are not very effective.
Contraceptive after the act - you have 72 hours.
Vacation, especially for young people, is the time whenyou can relax, make new friends and have fun. Often, under the influence of emotions, you can lose your vigilance and forget about safety. In such emergency cases, a contraceptive comes to the rescue after the act - emergency contraception (contraceptive, otherwise known as postcoital emergency help). Therefore, before you go on vacation, you need to learn more about emergency contraception. The use of birth control pills for 72 hours after unprotected intercourse helps prevent unwanted pregnancies.
The contraceptive after the act is available as onepills. It should be taken if there is a risk that other methods of contraception have failed or if sexual relations have passed without any protection. The effectiveness of contraception "after" the higher, the sooner after an open sexual intercourse you take a pill. It is recommended to take the pill within 72 hours (3 days) after sex.
How does emergency contraception work?
The mechanism of action of emergency contraception issame as usual hormonal tablets. Tablets "after", taken before ovulation, suppress its occurrence, thereby preventing the possibility of becoming pregnant.
At the same time, the use of such contraceptives after ovulation makes the mucus thicker, which actually complicates the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus.
"Tablet 72 after" is a very convenient option,if the partners forgot to protect themselves before sex or the usual methods of prevention failed. Sometimes even the most experienced partners have emergency cases, for example, a condom burst. And when the couple is not yet ready to become parents, it should be informed how to protect themselves from emergencies. In this case, you should immediately go to the gynecologist, who after the examination will tell you how to pick up contraceptives in accordance with your body and lifestyle. The pharmacist in the pharmacy will also be able to help you. He will advise and explain which contraceptives are better to buy.
Pregnancy and contraception "after"
The contraceptive after the act is not a method that can cause miscarriage. This method of protection will not be effective if the woman is already pregnant.
Note that the "after" pill is not a form of contraception for everyday use and can only be used in cases that are not urgent, even in cases of rape.
If after applying emergency contraception stillonce it reaches an unprotected sexual intercourse in the same menstrual cycle, the taken pill will no longer be effective and the probability of getting pregnant will remain high. Emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.