Contraceptive "NovaRing". Side effects and contraindications for use
The ring of NovaRing (Merck) ishormonal contraceptive, intended for intravaginal use. Contains progestogen and estrogen in its composition. The ring itself is made of hypoallergenic material, which is widely used now in medicine for the manufacture of a variety of implants. In the world, about 1.5 million women use this contraceptive. In this article, you will learn about what contraindications exist for NovaRing, the side effects it causes, and the particularities of its use.
NovaRing was first registered inNetherlands, and then in fourteen other European countries, in the USA and Australia. After insertion into the vagina, he daily releases 120 μg of etonogestrel (progestogen) and 15 μg of ethinylestradiol (estrogen) for 21 days. With the correct and regular use of this product provides a high effectiveness of contraception.
The form of the NovaRing contraceptive and its composition
Form of contraceptive production: ring, packed in a package of aluminum foil. Each ring contains 11.7 milligrams of etonogestrel and 2.7 milligrams of ethinyl estradiol, as well as ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, magnesium stearate and purified water.
Advantages of the NovaRing contraceptive:
- side effects with the use of the ring are much less common than with combined and oral contraceptives;
- the need to introduce a ring - once a month;
- the probability of bleeding is extremely low.
How to use the ring "NovaRing"
Contraceptive "NovaRing" is introduced by a womanindependently deep into the vagina in the period from the first to the fifth day of the cycle of menstruation. Strictly after 21 days, you need to remove the "NovaRing" ring and take a break of seven days. At this time there will come a reaction of cancellation. On the eighth day, you must enter the contraceptive again.
How to enter a ring NovaRing
This contraceptive is introduced by the woman herselfin the vagina in a standing, sitting or lying position. With the correct introduction, she should not feel any discomfort. Muscles of the vagina must themselves hold the "NovaRing" ring. Side effects that can occur if the introduction is incorrect is the loss of the contraceptive in a standing position. However, the ring can also fall out during sex, tampon removal, or defecation. The manufacturer in this case recommends rinsing the "NovaRing" ring with warm water and re-entering it. Removal of the contraceptive is also done independently. The woman should gently pick up his index finger and then remove it.
Contraceptive "NovaRing". Contraindications for use
Liver disease, migraine, swellinghormone-dependent, allergies, vaginal bleeding, diabetes mellitus, uterine lowering, pregnancy, breast-feeding, venous or arterial thrombosis, pancreatitis, severe constipation. Caution should be used with the NovaRing ring for excess weight, arterial hypertension, heart defects, atrial fibrillation, systemic lupus erythematosus, and also for women who smoke after the age of 35 and in conditions that make it difficult to insert the ring (eg, bladder or blunt hernia guts).
Contraceptive NovaRing. Side effects
The most common side effects,which can arise when applying the "NovaRing" ring: headache, irritability, nausea, vaginitis, weight gain (due to the action of hormones), candidiasis.
Contraceptive NovaRing. Side effects during pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy, there is no need for thismeans. But during breastfeeding from the use of the ring "NovaRing" should be abandoned, since the estrogens contained in it can get into the milk.