/ / Salicylic acid: application

Salicylic acid: use

What is salicylic acid today knowmany. This drug is, if not in every home, then for many, for sure. It is cheap, but it brings a lot of benefits. Today we will look at what salicylic acid is. Its use helps in many cases, although even this, at first glance, harmless, the drug has its contraindications.

Salicylic acid: mechanism of action

It was first obtained in the 19th century from the willow bark. This is one of the first drugs used to eliminate inflammation. A few years later, from the salicylic acid, a widely known acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) was obtained, the toxicity of which turned out to be several times less.

Today, salicylic acid has onlyexternal. It is produced in the form of ointments, alcohol and aqueous solutions of 1-2% concentration, as well as powders and pastes. The mechanism of action of the drug is to suppress the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as the elimination of inflammatory processes. As a rule, today this drug is used for chronic dermatitis, pityriasis, seborrhea, pustular rash, psoriasis and other skin diseases. Salicylic acid derivatives, for example the same aspirin, can be administered orally for a cold, flu, as an analgesic. But that's not all. Salicylic acid has also found application in cosmetology. So, it is used to get rid of pimples, warts, black dots, corns and calluses. It also helps to fight with oily skin, since it has a drying effect, and can also be used as an exfoliating agent. In general, the drug is cheap, and so much good can bring. Let us dwell on the use of salicylic acid in cosmetology.

Salicylic Acid from Warts and Acne

To get rid of warts, the easiest wayuse "salipod" - patch based on salicylic acid. It is glued on warts, and removed after two days. After this, each wart needs to be soaked in warm water, and then remove its top layer. Then the adhesive is pasted again, the procedure is repeated until they completely disappear. You can completely do without plaster, using acid as a lotion. A cotton disc or just a piece of cotton wool should be moistened with acid, then applied to the wart and removed only when the material is completely dry. Do this procedure will have more than once.

Treatment of acne with salicylic acid is basedon rubbing the face, applying compresses. For these purposes, a weak acid solution (1-2%) is used, while it should not be prepared for alcohol, since in this case the skin will be very much dried. The best water solution is suitable. Therefore, the use of salicylic acid is contraindicated for dry skin. Also, acid effectively fights with spots that remain after squeezing out pimples. It is not recommended to use it with other drugs for acne, it also threatens to overdry the skin. It should be noted that salicylic acid is an excellent exfoliating agent, therefore, when it is used, the skin is renewed.

Acetylsalicylic acid at temperature

The raised temperature can make itself feltat various diseases, including at usual cold. Salicylic acid has been used to combat this unpleasant symptom. More precisely, acetylsalicylic acid. This is one of the most usual means, which simply must be in the first-aid kit of each family. Meanwhile, this medicine is not safe, therefore, regarding its use, you should consult your doctor. Acetylsalicylic acid can not be used to reduce temperature in children.

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