Aminoacetic acid is its immeasurable importance for the body.
A unique amino acid thatdoes not have optical isomers - it is aminoacetic acid (or aminoethane), popularly known as glycine. In some sources, it can be found under the name of paraoxyphenylaminoacetic acid, a well-known substance used for developing photographs. It belongs to the group of the simplest aliphatic amino acids, has the following chemical formula: NH2-CH2-COOH.
The effect of this acid on the body.
It's no secret that aminoacetic acid is containedin many proteins and biologically active compounds. Thanks to it, the process of synthesis of profinines and purine compounds takes place. In addition, the substance in question is a neurotransmitter amino acid. Glycine receptors located in the regions of the brain and spinal cord inhibit the effect on neurons, increase the secretion of GABA, and also reduce the so-called secretions from neurons that promote the excitation of amino acids, including glutamic acid.
Chemical properties
It is important to know that a substance such asaminoacetic acid, the chemical properties are the following: a glyceric, GABA-ergic effect, in addition, antioxidant and antitoxic properties are expressed. And most importantly, glycine is able to regulate glutamate receptors. Apply this acid to reduce vegetative-vascular and cerebral disorders, it significantly reduces the toxic effect of alcohol. There is a marked decrease in psychoemotional tension and aggressiveness, which in turn leads to an increase in social adaptation. In addition, mood improves and sleep normalizes, mental performance improves.
Pharmacological analysis
As for the pharmacological action,aminoacetic acid is able to easily penetrate into a large number of liquids and tissues, for example, in the brain. This substance is metabolized before the connection of water and carbon dioxide, which does not accumulate in the tissues.
At what signals does the body use this substance?
With often observed stressful situations,reduced performance, with deviant forms of behavior, various diseases of the nervous system is recommended to use this drug. Glycine fights against neuroses and vegeto-vascular dystonia, and is also useful after traumatic brain injuries and ischemic stroke.
Application of athletes glycine
In the sports diet, aminoethanoic acid is included as a food supplement E640.
List of useful properties, which possesses,aminoacetic acid - a polypeptide, inexhaustible. So, it slows the process of degeneration of muscle tissue, due to the fact that this acid is a source of creatine. Without it, you can not do with the synthesis of nucleic and bile acids.
This substance was included in a number ofantacid preparations, which are used for gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, this acid is used when it is necessary to repair damaged tissue.
It is impossible not to mention the importance of glycine for the central nervous system and the prostate gland. Due to the fact that it is a brake neurotransmitter, epileptic convulsions are prevented.
Aminoacetic acid has also found its application in the treatment of manic-depressive psychosis. It copes quite effectively and with such a disease as hyperactivity.
Known is the fact that with an excess of thisa person often experiences a feeling of fatigue, but its use in reasonable quantities can solve this problem, giving the body a huge supply of energy. It should be remembered that in everything you need to know the measure.