/ / Folic Acid in Pregnancy Planning

Folic Acid in Pregnancy Planning

Prepare for pregnancy in advance: adhere to a healthy lifestyle, accumulate positive emotions and, of course, strengthen the body with vitamins. The future mum needs to know what substances and vitamins her baby will need, what preparations to take for the proper development of the fetus. One of the vital elements for any organism is folic acid. Otherwise, folic acid is called vitamin B9. This substance, which participates in the process of metabolism, forms blood cells, improves and strengthens human immunity, stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract. Folic acid in the planning of pregnancy is a necessary element, as it helps to form the neural tube of the fetus and prevents all kinds of malformations of the future child. Acid has a positive effect on the proper development of the placenta.

It is not always possible to determine by yourselfdeficiency of acid in the body, which is why it is so important to understand in advance that if pregnancy is planned - folic acid and other vitamins are simply necessary. Deficiency of this substance in the body is the most common, and its shortage is observed in most people. Therefore, folic acid preparations, for example, folacin, when planning pregnancy are very important, because they affect the mental and physical development of the fetus, its nervous system.

The source of this vitamin can beproducts like green peas, parsley, lettuce, especially a lot of acid is contained in bread from wholemeal flour. Scientists have proved that folic acid in the planning of pregnancy should enter the body along with products such as cheese, meat, asparagus, animal liver. If vitamins are still not enough, then you need to use them in tablets, since replenishing the lack of vitamins only through the use of products is incredibly difficult.

There are several drugs that containfolic acid. These include pills, folacin, folic acid in combination with iodine, as well as in multivitamin preparations designed for pregnant women.

In the event that a pregnant girl takescomplex vitamins, which contain all the necessary substances, and does not suffer from a deficiency of folic acid, it does not need additional admission. The need for these vitamins during pregnancy increases dramatically (almost twice). Since a girl may not know exactly about the onset of pregnancy, and the neural tube of the embryo is formed at week 2, you should start taking the drug in advance, so folic acid in the planning of pregnancy is incredibly important. That's why it's so important to start taking vitamins before the twelfth week, at the very beginning. To be afraid of an overdose should not be, since all surpluses will be excreted from the body, without causing any harm to either the mother or the baby.

Take the drug better in a fairly largea dose that exceeds the usual preventive (pre-consulted specialist). The only thing you need to watch is that the allergic reaction does not appear. Folic acid is an incredibly useful vitamin, the importance of which is acknowledged even by the most active opponents of artificially created drugs. Therefore, even if you are sure that you do not need any additional medicines, try not to give up folic acid, even in small, preventive doses. Such a vitamin will help to avoid you and your baby very many unnecessary problems with health and development.

A young mother needs to know how much she needsfolic acid when planning pregnancy. It is worth taking care of the health of the baby long before his birth, and then in your home will always sound a loud happy laugh.

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