/ / Treatment of Calluses on the Toes

Corn Callus Treatment

Painful skin tightening is called corn. Most often this kind of condensation occurs on the toes and toes. Corns have a small diameter, clear, often rounded outlines. They are of two types: dry and wet. The blood can flow slightly on the places of wet calluses, and over time, accumulation of fluid may occur, as a result of tissue damage. Such calluses need treatment with antibacterial solutions, and the treatment of callus on the toes is exactly the same as with small wounds or cuts. The wet callus can eventually transform into a dry one: it has a deep "core", or else it is called a "spine". Treatment of calluses on dry toes is a long occupation and laborious enough, so in this case it is better to use pharmacy products.

Before the above situation is takenin your hands, you should indicate whether this lump on the skin is really a callus or you are dealing with another misfortune - the so-called plantar wart. Unlike corns, warts consist of a non-corroded living tissue. Therefore, if you cut or prick a wart, the blood will instantly appear. An incision or a prick of dry callus can cause acute pain, but without blood. Moreover, warts are often arranged in the form of clusters, while corns may be single. For wart removal, it is best to seek help from a cosmetic clinic. By the way, the blisters are best removed in the salon or clinic. They use liquid nitrogen (it helps to freeze keratinized tissue), a laser beam (grinds and softens), and even some kind of drill, when they "drill" the cores of the corns themselves. Here are the ways that will answer your question "how to remove calluses on your feet". But these serious procedures justify themselves only if the corn is chronic and there is a long time. Usually, there is a catastrophic lack of time for trips to the treatment rooms, and an unattended, fresh corn can be completely eliminated by available means at home.

We select a remedy from the apteke. The modern assortment of pharmacies offers us an assortment in the form of a dozen tools for the treatment of calluses on toes, it is even difficult to list all existing names. The most popular component of antimosol preparations is acid salicylic. You can get 10% salicylic ointment, or cream or ointments, in which with other active ingredients combined salicylic acid (for example, benzoic acid). Benzoic and salicylic acids have a softening keratolytic effect. Before applying the ointment callus must first be steamed, using an anabacterial bath.

Next, apply a patch in place of the steamedcorn, in which a hole is specially cut in such a way that the plaster does not cover this plaster. Then it is necessary to impose a curative ointment, and the second layer of the patch - on top of it, which will completely cover the corn. The same principle of action and antimozol patches, where the active substance itself is already impregnated with the tissue of the plaster. Ointment with plaster should be left for 6-8 hours on the skin. Then horn softened tissue gently scraped off with a scrub, brush or pumice stone. If necessary, the procedure should be patiently repeated until complete removal of the callus. This procedure "like" hard calluses on the toes.

Treatment of calluses on toes with folk method

The simplest, most effective and commonThe means for removing the callus are regular soapy soda baths (for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp spoon of laundry soap, 2-3 tsp of drinking soda,). The bath should be taken for 30-40 minutes. Then you need to scrape off the softened skin, wipe your feet dry and apply a nourishing cream.

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