/ / Treatment of callus on the heels and its removal

Treatment of callus on the heels and its removal

Corns on the heels can be formed byvarious reasons. Typically, this is uncomfortable or substandard shoes, as well as a high heel. The formation of corns occurs under the skin. Their appearance is a protective reaction of the body, which prevents damage to the heels.

heel treatment on heels

Visually calluses are smallskin compaction regions formed by dead cells. Very often they bring their master pain. Favorite places for the appearance of skin seals on the legs are heels and fingers. Corns on the legs may be wet or dry. The first type of neoplasm is a bladder filled with a lymphatic fluid. Such corns are the result of damage to the outer layer of the skin. They arise in those places where there is a strong rubbing of the feet with shoes.

Treatment of callus on the heels and fingers, in that caseif it is wet, similar to the course of therapy for conventional wounds. The resulting bubble is treated with an antibacterial solution. For faster healing of the callus, it is necessary to wear soft, non-rubbing shoes during the entire period of treatment. If care for the bubble that has arisen was not carried out correctly, then it can be overwhelmed. At the same time, dry calluses on the toes and heels form which are dead cells of the skin tissues located in a thick layer. In its structure, this type of seal has a rod and spine. That's why getting rid of such calluses is much more difficult.

dry calluses on toes

There are seals on the soles of the feet, whichappear and disappear, delivering us only minor troubles. However, in some cases, these neoplasms can become inflamed and become dangerous to human health. Corn treatment on the heels should be carried out immediately, otherwise walking can turn into a difficult task.

Neoplasms in this area of ​​the foot are prone toinflammations, dissections and infections. Corn on the heels should be started with a disinfection procedure if cracks appear on the damaged area and fluid begins to leak from them. The area of ​​the pathology should be washed with water and soap. After that, get a clean towel and apply antibacterial cream. The treated area is covered with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. Corn treatment on the heels requires lubrication of the area of ​​the pathology with cream twice a day (for example, the drug "Carmol 20" or the "Ultra Mide 25" is suitable). In this case, you need to change the adhesive plaster.

removal of dry corns

Recently formed on the heel of the callus can beremove with a lemon. The rind of fresh fruit, fixed with plaster or bandage, is applied at night to the center of skin firming. Often, one procedure is sufficient to eliminate inflammation and fluid. After the skin hardens, the corn is easily peeled off. Cracks and rough skin on the heels can be treated with compresses that use a mixture of an equal amount of aloe juice and fish oil.

Removal of dry corns should be performed withusing hot baths. Ragged skin of the heel must be steamed in hot water, which is added with baking soda (one teaspoon of water will be needed). After a half-hour procedure, the callus softens, it is easily scraped off with pumice stone. Heat the heel with a nail file. At the end of the procedure for removing corn, the foot should be softened with a moisturizing or nutritious cream. In the event that the proper effect is not achieved, the seals on the heels are not completely eliminated, the procedure is repeated every other day for a week.

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