Red spots under the armpits: superficial mycosis and ways to treat it
Red spots under the armpits do not always talk aboutfungal infection. Most often this is a superficial mycosis of the skin (erythrasma), the causative agent of which is the bacteria Corynebacterium minutissimum. The human body is individual, so the pain appears depending on how intensively your sweat glands work, how often you have to work in wet rooms with high temperature conditions, wear rough clothes, and other reasons.
Source of infection - sick person and surroundingWednesday. It is not excluded the transmission of the disease through household appliances, means of individual use and sexual contact. And men suffer from erythrasma much more often than women.
Red spots under the armpits appear in the formrounded forms, and not a bright red color, but a brick shade. After a while, they merge, forming a single area affected by bacteria with clear boundaries. Not always such a spot is smooth, sometimes it can be noticed small scales. There is also an unusual form, in which the center of erythrasma is white, and around the edges is a frame in the form of a roller of a darker color.
Since this is not a fungal infection,be afraid that soon the defeat of hair and nails will begin. Erythrazma does not give pain, but when relapsed, doctors observe inflammatory processes of the skin, accompanied by a slight burning and itching with an increase in body temperature and the environment.
Women are more likely to have red spots undermice, although it is possible their appearance under the mammary glands or in the navel. Fatty folds are the places where the bacterium develops intensively, so it is worthwhile to conduct hygiene procedures as often as possible. If you have excessive sweating, then more often look around the areas where the skin begins to bleed.
Red spots under the armpits often disappearafter the patient starts a complex of hygienic procedures, but if the stain expands and begins to bring discomfort, then immediately consult a doctor. Do not postpone the visit to the dermatologist and those who have diabetes: you do not want the erythrasma to turn into eczema?
Modern medicine is capable even visuallyto distinguish this disease from fungal lesions of skin areas (depriving) by its specific localization, but to confirm the diagnosis, both illumination with a Wood lamp and microscopic examination is carried out.
Treat red spots under the arms for a weekwith the help of a special ointment (erythromycin or sulfur-tar), which is sold in pharmacies. However, with extensive skin lesions, a course of antibiotics and ultraviolet treatment is prescribed. The latter method not only contributes to the speedy recovery, but also prevents the recurrence of the disease.
Red spots all over the body are a reactionorganism on unfavorable conditions that have arisen both inside the human body and outside it. If the lesions do not pass, cause burning and constant itching, it is worth to visit a specialist. It is possible that your body is infected with pathogens of hepatitis, meningitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, or scabies mites scurf subcutaneous space. It is possible that this manifestation of an allergic reaction to fruits, juices, pastas, or ringworm became the culprit of the painful condition of the skin.
Do not treat neglect your health: red spots in the mouth can signal that you have pharyngitis or cancer. If the wounds do not heal within a few days, immediately go to the clinic.
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