/ / Medication «Norvask». Instructions for use

The medicine "Norvask". Instructions for use

The drug "Norvask" instruction for use recommends taking with arterial hypertension. Analogues of the medicine are such tools as "Calchek", "Amlotop", "Tenox" and others.

The drug "Norvask". Description

The drug prevents the entry of calcium ions to the cells of the smooth muscles of blood vessels and myocardium. The active ingredient is amlodipine.

Characterizing the mechanism of drug exposure"Norvask", the instruction for use indicates the ability of the active substance to expand the peripheral arterioles, thus reducing the afterload on the heart. Due to the fact that the frequency of cardiac contraction almost does not change, myocardial oxygen demand decreases.

Amlodipine, in addition, acts directly on the coronary arteries of different caliber, expanding them.

In patients with hypertension witha single-dose medication effect lasts for twenty-four hours. The gradual onset of the drug "Norvask" prevents the development of symptomatic hypotension.

In patients with angina at a singlereception of a medicine there is an increase in resistance to physical exertion, a delay in the development of an attack of angina pectoris. This helps reduce the need for nitroglycerin.

The active substance of the drug "Norvask"(the instruction about it testifies) does not render negative influence on a lipid spectrum in a blood plasma and a metabolism. The drug is approved for admission for bronchial asthma, gout and diabetes.

Medication "Norvask" instructions for use can be prescribed for arterial hypertension as a monotherapy, and in combination with other means.

The drug is used in the treatment of IHD, in particular, stable and vasospastic angina.

The medication is also used if there is a suspicion of vasoconstriction or vasospasm as a mono drug or in combination with other antianginal drugs.

Means of "Norvask" instruction manualrecommends appointing in an initial dose of five milligrams once a day. Given the patient's condition, the dosage can be increased to 10 milligrams per day. Therapy is performed with daily blood pressure monitoring.

Contraindicated medication with hypersensitivity to its components or to other dihydropyridines.

Taking medication can provokegynecomastia, gingival hyperplasia, dyspnea, dyspepsia, back pain, asthenia, arthralgia, constipation. Adverse reactions include mood changes, convulsions, leukopenia, increased urination, impotence, general malaise. When taking medication, you may have an allergic reaction, hepatitis.

special instructions

In patients with a disorder of liver activity, the half-life of the Norvasc drug is increased from the body. In connection with this, the administration of the drug to these patients is carried out with caution.

Patients with renal insufficiency are recommended to take the drug at a dose of two and a half milligrams per day.

During pregnancy and lactation the expediency of using a medicine is established by a specialist.

The influence of the drug "Norvask" on the ability to drive transport or complex mechanisms is unlikely.

Interaction with other medicines

Established safety when taking medication"Norvasc" simultaneously with blockers of beta and alpha-adrenergic receptors, prolonged-action nitrates, thiazide diuretics, NSAIDs, antibiotic agents, hypoglycemic drugs for oral use.

Before using the medication, you need to study the annotation.

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