/ / Emergency help in case of collapse: the algorithm of actions

Emergency help in case of collapse: the algorithm of actions

Collapse occurs in acute vasculatureinsufficiency. With this disease, the tone of the vessels drops sharply, so the cells receive much less blood. Emergency care for the collapse is immediately, since in the absence of necessary actions death can occur due to the insufficient amount of oxygen received by the brain.

When is it appropriate to provide first aid in case of collapse?

If a person has had a vascular collapse,Emergency care should be carried out as quickly as possible. This condition is expressed very clearly, it can not be confused with any other disease. Symptoms are as follows:

  1. Sudden and sharp deterioration of the person's health, while external prerequisites for this phenomenon could not be observed.
  2. The appearance of an uncaused and very intense headache.
  3. The darkness in front of the patient's eyes is expressed by a strong expansion of his pupils.
  4. The person notices the appearance of noise in the ears.
  5. Pain in the heart. Moderate discomfort can occur.
  6. Strong weakness, often loss of orientation in space. This condition differs from a syncope, because even when a person comes to himself, he does not have the strength to rise quickly.
  7. Lowering blood pressure.
  8. The skin turns pale. This phenomenon occurs as quickly as the appearance of other signs of collapse. After a few minutes without treatment, the skin is very moist and becomes cold. Further, they become bluish.
  9. There is a sharpening of facial features.
  10. There are changes in breathing. It becomes very frequent, and its sound is well audible, since it is carried out in a gusty pace.
  11. It is very difficult to feel the pulse of a patient.
  12. Often a person loses consciousness for a long time, without carrying out rehabilitative measures, may not recover.

emergency aid in case of collapse

First aid

First aid in case of collapse is capable ofeveryone. For this, it is not necessary to be a medic. You should know how the emergency aid is rendered in case of collapse. The algorithm is quite voluminous. It must be learned and be able to exercise, so as not to get lost when another person's critical condition arises.

If you do not do the right thing, negativethe condition, most likely, will end with a lethal outcome. When carrying out all the points, it should be remembered that any delay is detrimental to the patient, so you need to help quickly and decisively.

If a person has a collapse in a crowded place andto render first aid inconveniently, it is necessary to place it correctly. The patient is lying in a lying position. It needs to be laid on the back and provide balance. It is advisable to choose a hard surface without protrusions, so as not to injure a person.

On the bed, the patient is not advisable,since her softness will prevent her from doing the next thing. If nothing is not found, you can put a person on the floor, before covering the surface with a cloth. The head should be slightly bent. You can put a small pillow or other soft thing under it. The legs should be raised and locked in this position. You can put a bundle of some material for them by rolling a three-dimensional roller. If there are no suitable things, someone from those present can independently hold their legs in an elevated position.

shock collapse emergency aid

List of necessary actions

  1. Emergency care for the collapse of thethe need is for everything that can compress the patient's body, not to allow him to breathe freely, must be removed or undone. It is necessary to remove the belt, undo the cuffs, and also the collar. You can shoot as many clothes as possible, but you should do it quickly.
  2. Someone needs to call an ambulance, while there isto be carried out an emergency aid in case of collapse. If among those present there is a doctor or a person who has experience in providing first aid, it is necessary that he is engaged in rehabilitation activities. If a person who is able to provide assistance is alone, it is advisable to call in parallel for an ambulance and continue to take the necessary measures to restore consciousness to the patient.
  3. The room should have a lot of fresh air. You should open the window. If possible, perform oxygen inhalation.
  4. The patient is useful for warmth. Before the arrival of the doctors need to make possible the warm air in the room using a heater, hot-water bottles to impose the patient from all sides of the body.
  5. To the nose of a man is brought ammonia. This can bring him to consciousness. If this tool is not available, you can perform other actions aimed at activating the activity of the brain. This massage of both earlobes, temples, as well as the area where the depression is located above the upper lip.

collapse emergency clinic

Features of the assistance process

In the collapse, which is the consequence of a largeblood loss, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of heavy bleeding as soon as possible. Usually a tourniquet is applied to prevent death when a collapse occurs. Clinic, emergency care which will take place after the arrival of the doctor, is responsible for the further treatment measures. When the patient comes to himself, you should give him complete peace. Do not always ask him about his health. It is better to watch his state from the outside.

emergency first aid at collapse

Prohibited Actions

  1. When emergency care is providedcollapse, you can not offer the patient to drink painkillers or take any medications that affect vasodilation. This can lead to sad consequences and even to death.
  2. Try to push mechanically into the patient's esophagus fluid or any medicinal preparations, if it is asleep, it is impossible. If the attempt is unsuccessful, a reflex stop of the breath may occur.
  3. Give a slap to a person, bringing him to consciousness. Often, these actions do not improve the situation, but only increase the patient's stress.

cardiovascular collapse emergency care

Appropriateness of drugs in case of collapse

Drug treatment is usually prescribed by a doctor,However, if you have the necessary skills from others or if you can not go to the hospital, you can pick up the medications yourself. When there is a shock, collapse, emergency care is very important. If medicines are not available, you should immediately send someone for them to the pharmacy. First, substances are introduced into the body that are aimed at normalizing blood circulation processes.

the first aid in the collapse of the algorithm of actions

Essential Medicines for Collapse

Usually, intravenousinfusion using drugs such as sodium chloride or Ringer's solution. A fixed amount is not assigned. When determining the dose should be guided by the external signs of the patient:

  1. The general condition of the person, a set of indicators that determine the viability and prognosis of the disease.
  2. Shade of the skin. Especially important is the complexion, in particular the nasolabial triangle. It should not be too pale. If the color is close to white, you need more vasodilator solution.
  3. The absence or presence of diuresis.
  4. Blood pressure.
  5. The frequency of heartbeats, as well as the intensity of the pulse in different parts of the body.

Additional drugs

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs are needed. When collapse, it is desirable to introduce such means: "Metipred", "Triamcinolone" or "Prednisolone".
  2. It is also possible to inject intravenously vasopressor agents.
  3. It should quickly remove the spasm. To do this, you can even enter the usual solution of novocaine. If it is more convenient to give an injection intramuscularly, it is advisable to use Aminazin.

Emergency first aid for collapsenecessary, as it is not always the ambulance can get quickly. To be able to provide real assistance to a person, you should remember a set of instructions and, if necessary, correctly execute it. Often, assisting with the onset of collapse is the only way by which a person’s life is saved.

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