/ / The drug "Cefotaxime". Instructions

The drug "Cefotaxime". Instructions

The drug "Cefotaxime" is considered verya common antibiotic. The drug has a fairly wide range of effects, belongs to the category of cephalosporins of the latest generation. The latter indicates not only its high efficiency, but also safety. In this regard, the drug "Cefotaxime" is used in pediatrics and is prescribed even for newborns.

A medicament in the form of a powder of lyophilized (dried by special technology) for the preparation of a solution for injection (intravenous and intramuscular) is produced.

Characterizing the drug "Cefotaxime", instructionindicates its bactericidal properties. The drug is active against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, which show resistance to other antibiotic agents.

Medication "Cefotaxime". Indications for use

The medicine is prescribed for bacterial infectionsIn the severe phase, provoked by microorganisms sensitive to it. Such diseases, in particular, include infections of the ENT organs, the genitourinary and respiratory system, the central nervous system (meningitis), joints and bones, soft tissues and skin. In addition, the drug "Cefotaxim" instruction recommends for burns, sepsis, peritonitis, chlamydia, salmonellosis, gonorrhea, Lyme disease. Medication is used to prevent infections after surgery (on the GI tract, obstetric-gynecological, urological).

The drug "Cefotaxime" does not recommend the instruction for hypersensitivity, including other cephalosporins and penicillins. Contraindicated medication during pregnancy.

With care appoint a medicine to newborns, nursing patients, patients with chronic kidney failure, ulcerative colitis (in history, including).

The drug "Cefotaxime" can provokesome negative reactions. In particular, side effects include skin itching, hives, fever, chills, rashes, eosinophilia, bronchospasm, angioedema. To undesirable consequences include dizziness, headache, pain along the vein (with intravenous injection), infiltration with intramuscular injection. The drug can cause dysbacteriosis, pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, vomiting, abdominal pain, liver activity disorders. In rare cases, glossitis is noted, stomatitis.

Overdose manifests itself in the form of convulsivesyndrome, neuromuscular excitability, tremor. With the introduction of a large amount of medicine, encephalopathy develops. In such cases, symptomatic treatment is indicated.

The medicine "Cefotaxime". Dosage

For adults and children with a body weight of fifty kilograms and more, with infections in the urinary tract and uncomplicated diseases, one gram is prescribed every eight to twelve hours.

To eliminate uncomplicated acute gonorrhea The drug "Cefotaxime" instruction recommends the introduction of a single intramuscular injection in the amount of 1 g.

For moderate infections, the dosage is 1-2grams every 12 hours intravenously or intramuscularly. With meningitis and other severe pathologies, it is advisable to administer two grams of vein every 4-8 hours. A day is allowed not more than twelve grams.

Dosage of the drug for children (including newborns) is established by the attending physician in accordance with the symptoms of the disease and the patient's condition.

special instructions

At the beginning of treatment, it is likely thatpseudomembranous colitis, which is manifested by severe and prolonged diarrhea. If this symptom occurs, the use of the drug "cefotaxime" is discontinued, and an adequate therapy is prescribed, including the drug "Metronidazole" or "Vancomycin".

With prolonged therapy (more than ten days), the number of blood components is monitored.

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