Corset with scoliosis for the spine: description, species, prices
One of the most common pathologiesthe spine, which occurs in both children and adults, is a scoliosis. It is impossible to cure curvature with medicines, a set of measures is applied for its correction, which includes therapeutic physical training, massage and wearing a special corset. In many cases, such measures help stop the progression of the disease, and in children lead to straightening of the spine. Corset in scoliosis - this is one of the main and most effective methods of treatment. Such devices for relieving the load from the back muscles have been used since the Middle Ages. But now there is a wide variety of corsets for different purposes. Therefore, when choosing the right medical device, you need to consult a doctor.
Scoliosis: treatment
Corset with this disease is used fairlyoften. After all, the curvature of the spine requires rigid fixation and partial unloading of the muscles. This helps relieve pain and further progression of the disease. Scoliosis is characterized not only by the curvature of the spinal column. Often patients experience back pain, difficulty breathing, and impaired internal organs.
- perform special gymnastics and breathing exercises;
- useful sports, especially swimming and dancing;
- a regular course of massage;
- for a bed choose a hard orthopedic mattress;
- When working at the table, you need to take breaks every hour and change the position of the body as often as possible.
Functions of corsets
Only in some cases wearing this orthopedic device is necessary. And basically he performs an auxiliary role. Why are they wearing a corset for scoliosis:
- it stops the progression of the disease;
- fixes the spine in the correct position;
- stretches and straightens it;
- improves the work of internal organs;
- relieves back muscles and reduces the burden on the spine;
- helps in correcting posture.
What are the corsets
Now there are many orthopedicdevices for the spine. They are hard and elastic, in the form of a belt or straps, covering part of the back or the entire spine. There are special posture correctors to correct stoop. Such semi-rigid corsets and recliners are used at the initial stage of curvature of the spine. They are also needed for the prevention of disease. Corsets, intended for the treatment of later stages of scoliosis, are divided into two groups:
- Supportive corset is generally prescribed for adults. It is designed to remove from the spine of the load and reduce pain. It also prevents the progression of the disease.
- Corrective corset to correct scoliosis is often used to treat children. When wearing it, you need to follow certain rules, and choose such a device strictly individually.
Supporting corsets
Fully correct the curvature of the spine with theirhelp will not work. Therefore, such corsets are used in those cases when the growth of bones has already ceased. Their function in this case is to prevent the progression of the disease and relieve the load from the spine. Wearing a supporting corset reduces back pain, removes muscle spasms and supports the spinal column. Treatment with it is prescribed individually, but usually the course is 2-3 months, and it should be repeated on a regular basis.
Correcting corsets
In childhood, the muscles of the back are still weak,so scoliosis often progresses rapidly. But you can still fix it, until the ossification of the skeleton has occurred. At the initial stages it is easy to do with the help of physiotherapy exercises, massage and control of posture. And with a large degree of curvature, a corrective corset is prescribed. And make it more often to order by individual measures. And since you need to wear it for a long time, as the child grows, you will have to change it. Corrective corset in scoliosis not only fixes the spine in the correct position, but also prevents the displacement of the vertebrae.
- first time it is worn, taking off only occasionally;
- every three months you need to monitor the condition of the spine with X-rays, and if the disease does not progress, you can reduce the wearing time of the corset;
- to strengthen the muscles of the back are required to play sports: swimming, training on simulators and exercise therapy.
Only with a comprehensive approach and daily monitoring can the child be cured of scoliosis.
Corset Chenot
This type of corrective device for treatmentscoliosis is considered the most effective. It straightens the curved vertebrae not only in the vertical, but also in the horizontal plane. Corset Chenot - a plate of special lightweight material and soft foam pads, providing pressure on the convex parts of the spine.
Rules for the use of such devices
Corset for the spine in scoliosis is selectedonly a doctor. It takes into account the degree of curvature, the type of disease and other factors. In order for the treatment to be successful, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations and follow certain rules:
- to a rigid corset it is necessary to get used gradually, every week increasing the time of its wearing by 1-2 hours;
- regularly, every 3 months, you need to monitor changes and do x-rays;
- They put on a corset a thin cotton or linen clothes without seams;
- To wear it it is necessary constantly under the scheme recommended by the doctor;
- the arising scuffs on the skin do not need to be smeared with anything, but if the skin is very messed up, then the corset is incorrectly selected;
- in the period of correction it is impossible to raise the weight;
- When using such treatment for a child, it is necessary to change the corset every year;
- necessarily together with the corsetting you need to perform special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back;
- You can not abruptly stop wearing a corset, after examination the doctor can recommend gradually reducing the time it is in it.
Efficiency of application
Many patients successfully use a corset forspine with scoliosis. The price of such a fixator, depending on the degree of the disease, can be from 500 rubles to several thousand. A special corrective corsets, made to order, are 30-40 thousand rubles. But, according to the parents, such devices effectively save even a serious curvature of the spine. And if you follow all the recommendations of a doctor, then in a few years the child can return to normal life with a flat back.