/ Corset to correct posture: reviews. Orthopedic corset for posture correction: which is better?

Corset to correct posture: reviews. Orthopedic corset for posture correction: which is better?

Corsets have been used by people since ancient times. In the Middle Ages were part of everyday women's clothing. With their help, the beauties tried to emphasize their waist as much as possible. In different centuries corsets were worn over clothes. Today, this tool is as imperceptible to an outsider as possible. At the same time, it plays a huge role in maintaining the health of the spine.

Types of orthopedic corsets

All corsets for posture correction are divided into different types depending on the style, material and stiffness level. The area of ​​their application depends on this.

Types of corsets:

  • treating;
  • warming;
  • protective from movements;
  • protective against overloads.

Corsets can contain inside special muscle stimulants, massage stimulators and other physiotherapeutic devices.

corset to correct posture reviews

Without consulting a specialist, it is forbidden to use a corset to correct posture. Reviews of people who use corsets, the most diverse. For different reasons, people begin to wear a corset.

Using corsets

Corset is extremely necessary for people who have sufferedspinal injuries, have joint problems. With the help of wearing a corset, you can cope with such diseases as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, spondylosis, osteoporosis. People with intervertebral hernias, fractures are also recommended corset for correcting posture. Reviews of its positive use are given to patients who have been prescribed wearing corsets with pinching of nerves. They perfectly relieve muscle tone.

Wearing a corset is recommended as an additionala remedy for getting rid of the existing health problem. The main therapy is not a substitute. It can not be worn all the time. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions and recommendations for wearing. It is also important to wear the corset correctly.

Corset to correct posture - which is better

To correct posture use correctiveor fixing corsets. Fixing weaken the load on the spine and on the muscles of the back. They are often used after injuries and surgeries. The corrective corset corrects the existing deformation of the spine in all planes. Some elements of the corset press on the necessary areas, contributing to the correction, while others consolidate the results.

corset for posture correction

The best option for a corset is the one thatmade specifically for the patient. To do this, you need to contact a specialist who, after taking measurements, will select the appropriate option for individual application. It is made in a single copy. And it is designed for use by one person. This is the most expensive corset. If violations of posture are minor, you can contact the pharmacy. There are options for adjustable adjusting corsets. They are made, given the frequent types of violation of posture. Corset for correction of posture, made by themselves, will be the most affordable option. But it is categorically forbidden to use it if there are serious disorders with the back. Self-activity in this case can greatly damage health.

Lumbar corset

The orthopedic lumbar corset is used for the lumbosacral department.

corset orthopedic lumbar

They are used for prevention and treatment. They have a different degree of rigidity. Differences also exist in the strength of fixation, corset design and purpose. Very often they are used for warming the lower back sportsmen, dancers, gymnasts. These are regular belts that do not require agreement with the doctor. If there is a need for an adjustment, then it is better to solve the problem individually. The corset for posture correction described above is similar to the lumbar corset. Use it must be the same rules.

What Corsets Are Made of

The warming belts-corsets make soft and wool. Their main task is to warm the human body and increase circulation in the lower back.

corset orthopedic thoracolumbar

They are worn only on the naked body. Protective corset orthopedic thoracolumbar is made of dense material. It can be a strong plastic or metal. The fabric used is dense inelastic. They are used during exercise to protect against overexertion. They put on for a short time. These corsets are used only for the doctor's prescription. Orthopedic corset for correcting the posture is made of a dense elastic material, can have special inserts. It is made to order. The doctor removes the measurements and casts from the back of the patient.

Protective corsets can be from overloads and fromexcessive movements. Those who wear to limit motor activity are the strongest. They are used after injuries and in the presence of chronic diseases.

Correct wearing of a corset

From the proper putting on and using the corsetdepends on the end result. Some models only wear a naked body. Others - over thin clothes. Those corsets, which are prescribed to limit movements, must be worn down. Be sure to pay attention to the location of the correcting and softening inserts and the force of tension. In this corset, the movements are slow and smooth. Certain difficulties can cause a corset to correct posture. Reviews of beginning users suggest that doctors recommend starting to wear for a short time. Also, they emphasize that during socks, in the early days, it's necessary to take breaks. Discomfort will eventually pass. The back adapts to the new position.

Children are recommended to correct posture alsouse a corset a few hours a day. If the child has the second stage of scoliosis, the corset is worn almost constantly, 16-23 hours a day. The more complex the form of violation of posture, the more hours a day you have to wear a corset. It is only allowed to take it off to take a shower.

orthopedic corset to correct posture

Correct corset removal

How to properly wean the body from wearing andit is safe to remove the corset to correct posture? The patients' testimonies confirm that it is impossible to refuse it sharply and immediately. This is warned by doctors. It is necessary to gradually reduce the wearing time by 1-2 hours per month. So it is necessary to do a long time, not less than 6 months. The phase of withdrawal takes more time than the stage of habituation.

After completely refusing to wear a corrective corset, a doctor must be observed with a compulsory snapshot. This stage should last at least 4 years.

Only with a serious attitude towards the adjustment process can you achieve a lasting effect.

The best health care is preventiondiseases. A healthy lifestyle, sports will help to avoid many back problems. If all the same life has developed so that the back is injured, do not treat the spine negligently. His health is an important factor of a carefree life. They need to deal immediately, without delay.

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