/ / "Orthomol Immune": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Orthomol Immune": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Vitamin-mineral complex "Orthomol Immun"is intended to enhance immunity and restore intestinal microflora. The unique composition of the drug helps regenerate tissues and ensures the vital processes in the body. "Orthomol Immune" restores the immune system after prolonged use of antibiotics and chemotherapy. Judging by the reviews, this is a very effective drug. Therefore, despite the high price - about 5000 rubles per course, - many choose it.

orthomol immune

Why it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora

Dysbacteriosis is now verya common disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by a violation of the intestinal microflora and the development of the inflammatory process. A person experiences abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, or constipation. All this can cause a violation of the heart, nervousness, reduced efficiency. In addition, because of the decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms, the assimilation of nutrients and vitamins deteriorates. A consequence of this condition is a decrease in immunity, beriberi, skin, hair and mucous diseases.

That is why many vitamin-mineraladditives are ineffective - trace elements simply can not digest. But quite differently, "Orthomol Immune". Instructions for use notes that it primarily affects the intestinal microflora, restoring it.

orthomol immune instructions for use

Characteristics of the preparation

"Orthomol Immune" was created by German scientists tonot only cope with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, but also restore the intestinal microflora. This is achieved due to a special composition, including, in addition to useful trace elements, plant components, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes and antioxidants. They protect the intestinal mucosa from adverse factors, restore balance, prevent the development of cancer and other bowel diseases.

This biologically active food additiveis available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution. The package contains 30 doses, calculated for the course of treatment. All components are matched in the right combination with each other. There is another option - already in solution in special bottles. The drink has a taste of orange or raspberry with mint. This form of the drug is very popular with children. Although for small patients there is a special preparation "Orthomol Immune Junior" in the form of tasty chewing sweets.

orthomol immunity reviews

The composition of the vitamin complex

Better absorption of nutrientsis ensured by the fact that the preparation consists of two parts: separately for the night probiotics are taken, in the morning - vitamins and minerals. That's why the digestibility of trace elements is so high, and Orthomol Immune Pro works so effectively. The composition of the drug is very rich:

  • A single dose of powder contains inulin, whichstimulates the production of beneficial microflora in the intestine, and 6 probiotic cultures. These are living microorganisms: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci, which inhabit the mucous, help to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and participate in the assimilation of nutrients.
  • In a large sachet with a nutrient substratecontains a large number of vitamins that protect and repair cells, participate in metabolic processes and improve the state of human health. These are vitamins of group B, A, C, E, D, folic acid, nicotinamide, biotin and others.
  • In the same dose of the drug added to the body's mineral substances. They are balanced and do not interfere with each other's actions. These are selenium, chromium, iodine, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and others.
  • Contains also vegetable components,which complement and enhance its useful action. These are bioflavonoids from citrus, tomato extract, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, carotenoids, lutein, soy lecithin and others.
    orthomol immuno composition

Features of the drug

Vitamin-mineral complex "Orthomol Immun Pro"has in its composition special substances that affect the intestinal mucosa, restoring it. Thanks to this vitamins and minerals can be absorbed in full. After the course of treatment with this agent, the following changes are observed in the body:

  • metabolic processes in cells improve;
  • tissues are protected from free radicals;
  • inflammatory processes disappear;
  • the regeneration of tissues is accelerated;
  • improves nutrition and oxygen supply to cells;
  • increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • the development of tumors in the intestine is prevented.

Orthomol Immune Pro Instruction for Use

Who should take the drug

The intestinal microflora can beonly because of malnutrition, but also for serious diseases. This leads to a decrease in immunity. Most vitamin complexes do not cope with complex cases, when violations are caused by such failures in the state of health:

  • after chemotherapeutic and radiation treatment of oncological diseases;
  • with prolonged intake of antibiotics and hormonal agents;
  • after surgical interventions;
  • with frequently repeated attacks of allergy;
  • dysbacteriosis and irritable bowel syndrome;
  • with persistent colds;
  • chronic fatigue, decreased efficiency;
  • for the prevention of cancer.

According to the manufacturer, only "Orthomol Immune" effectively helps in such cases. It not only strengthens immunity, but also regulates the activity of all organs.

Orthomol Immune Pro Instruction

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

It is a biologically active additive to food,providing the body with the necessary nutrients. But before going to reception it is necessary to consult with the doctor. It is not recommended to take the drug if the patient has a disrupted thyroid function or glucose uptake. Contraindicated treatment is also for those who have an individual intolerance of any component of the drug. But usually it is well tolerated by patients "Orthomol Immune". Instructions for use notes that only in rare cases, the drug causes allergic reactions. But still, children are recommended to take special chewable tablets "Orthomol Junior", and during pregnancy the complex "Ortomol Natal" is shown. They contain a balanced set of substances aimed at preventing health problems during these periods of life.

Orthomol Immune Pro Instruction for Use

"Orthomol Immune Pro": instructions for use

This drug is used as an adjunct tofood, creating a balanced diet. It is best to use it as directed by a doctor. How to properly take the complex "Orthomol Immune Pro"? The instruction notes that it consists of several doses of powder, which must be diluted in water and drank separately. The contents of a large sachet - 15 g of powder, which includes nutrients, vitamins and microelements, - you need to dissolve in half a glass of water and drink during breakfast or lunch. It is possible immediately after a meal. A small two-bag of probiotics is taken at night. It also needs to be diluted in drinking water.

It is recommended to have a three-month course of treatment2 times a year: in spring and in autumn. This will help restore immunity and intestinal microflora. In severe cases, doctors prescribe a 30-day course of taking the drug 4 times a year.

"Orthomol Immune": reviews

Liquid preparation is convenient to take, it is pleasant ontaste and quickly digested. therefore it is loved by both adults and children. The powder is as delicious, it can be diluted in juice or water, and it is more convenient to store this form of the drug. Therefore, in most cases, people have a positive opinion about the tool "Orthomol Immune". Reviews negative notes only the high price of the complex, the need to take it for a long time and the opportunity to buy the drug only through the Internet. But mostly people describe the high efficiency of this tool.

orthomol immune responses liquid

Drug analogues

There are several vitamin-mineral complexes containing probiotics. They have a similar effect with the "Orthomol Immune".

  • "Senor Vision", in addition to a full set of essential vitamins and minerals, contains bifidobacteria and antioxidants.
  • Complex "Energy of Life" consists of three parts: "Sorbilit" - ututreblyaetsya to cleanse the body of toxins, "Multilakt" - normalizes the microflora of the intestine, and "Vitami Nekst" provides the body with vitamins and minerals.
  • Country Life Gluten Free, Core Daily 1 contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, probiotics and plant enzymes.

With a decrease in immunity and disruption of activityintestine is better to consult a doctor, so he advised what vitamins to take. In many cases, judging by the responses, the best choice is the "Orthomol Immune Pro" complex.

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