/ / Analogues "Tsyprolet". Antibiotic "Tsiprolet": price, reviews. "Ciprofloxacin" - instruction

Analogues of "Tsyprolet". Antibiotic "Tsiprolet": price, reviews. "Ciprofloxacin" - instruction

In the treatment of certain diseases can not do withoutuse of antibiotics. Popular today is the antibacterial drug "Tziprolet" related to the group of fluoroquinolines. The drug is produced in three forms. The most common are tablets and drops. Solution for the injection is used less often.

Composition and packaging

The main active componentsThe antibacterial agent is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. Tablets "Ciprolet" additionally include such components as silicon colloidal dioxide, corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, talc and magnesium stearate. The drug is released in a cardboard box. Tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pcs. The pills are covered with a white shell and have a convex shape. The composition of the shell include: macrogol, sorbic acid, purified talc, titanium dioxide.

"Tsiprolet" - drops that have suchauxiliary components, such as benzalkonium chloride, disodium edetate, hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, and purified water. The drug is packed in plastic bottles of 5 ml. In pharmacies, the medicine is sold in a cardboard box.

ciprolet analogues
Solution for infusions "Tziprolet" has the formtranslucent fluid. As auxiliary elements, sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, lactic acid, citric acid monohydrate, disodium edetate are used. In pharmacies, the solution of "Ciprolet" is offered in a 100 ml package.


The drug "Tziprolet" refers to antibacterialmeans of a wide spectrum of action. Both tablets and drops act bactericidally. The drug inhibits the enzyme DNA-gyrase bacteria. Due to this, the normal synthesis of cellular proteins of bacteria is disrupted, they stop multiplying and soon die. Tablets "Ciprolet" can be prescribed for the treatment of any infectious and inflammatory diseases that are caused by bacteria that are sensitive to ciprofloxacin. It can be various diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, ENT organs, GIT. Often, the drug is prescribed after tooth extraction as a prophylaxis of purulent infection. Tablets can also be used for sepsis, peritonitis, infections of bone tissue and skin.

The use of the drug in formdrops. The drug can be prescribed for the treatment of various infections of the eyes and its appendages. It can be acute purulent conjunctivitis, bacterial ulcers of the cornea, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc. As a preventive measure, "Ciprolet" drops are prescribed for eye injuries or after ingress of foreign bodies into them. The drug prevents the development of bacterial infection. For the same purpose prescribe the drug after surgery. Thus, ophthalmic surgery can avoid complications.

ciprofloxacin instruction
Ciprofloxacin solution indications for usehas almost the same as tablets. The only difference is that in this form the medicine is prescribed in more complicated cases. The solution helps to achieve a much faster positive disease dynamics. In addition, an antibiotic in this form can be prescribed to patients with reduced immunity in the treatment with immunosuppressants.

To whom is the antibacterial contraindicated?

The medicine in the form of tablets and a solution can notbe assigned to under-age patients. A serious contraindication is pseudomembranous colitis. Do not take the drug "Tziprolet" pregnant and lactating women. Only under the supervision of a doctor, medication can be used in patients who have atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. In rare cases, there may be increased sensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Ciprolet Tablets
Ciprofloxacin drops can not be prescribedwith keratitis of a viral nature. Pregnant and lactating women antibacterial drug is also not prescribed. But in the treatment of children over the age of a medication in this form can be used. But therapy should only take place under the supervision of a pediatrician. In rare cases, individual intolerance of the drug may occur. If any side effects occur, consult a doctor. The specialist will reduce the dosage or even replace the antibiotic.

Important instructions

With caution is prescribed antibacterialCiprolet or Ciprofloxacin for patients with epilepsy. The risk of developing serious side effects from the central nervous system is increasing. The medicine is prescribed only for vital indications, when other antibiotics do not give a positive result.

After passing the therapy with the drug "Tziprolet"severe enough and prolonged diarrhea may occur. In this case, it is very important to exclude pseudomembranous colitis, which is a contraindication to the use of an antibiotic.

To cancel a medicine costs also atthe occurrence of pain in the tendons. There are cases of side effects that led to the development of inflammatory processes in the tendons and their subsequent rupture. The medication can not be replaced by another drug from the group of fluoroquinolines. Treatment of the patient must be changed dramatically.

During the period of treatment with the drug"Ciprolet" or its analogs to the patient should take as much fluid as possible to ensure a normal diuresis. This is necessary to ensure that the drug is quickly removed from the body. But under the open sunlight is not desirable. Individual components of the antibiotic can cause photosensitivity of the skin.

Treatment of "Ciprolet" in the form of eye dropsshould only be carried out locally. In no case should you inject medication into the anterior chamber of the eyes. This can cause burns or other serious side effects. If therapy is accompanied by the use of other eye drops, the interval between the use of individual medications should be at least 5 minutes. It is not recommended to use contact lenses during antibacterial treatment. This will create an additional burden on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Immediately after applying the drops of "Tziprolet" is notit is recommended to get behind the wheel of a vehicle or to control other complex equipment. Clear vision may be impaired for a short time. This side effect is only 30 minutes after the application of the drug.


The amount of ciprofloxacin that should beTo get a patient a day depends primarily on the severity and form of the disease. Also take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his age and weight. Uncomplicated infectious diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract are treated with "Ciprolet" or "Ciprofloxacin" tablets. The instruction describes the minimum dosage, which can be as low as 250 mg per day (one tablet). If the patient does not improve, the dosage of the drug is doubled. The maximum daily dosage in the treatment of kidney or urinary tract can be 1000 mg and is divided into two doses (morning and evening).

ciprolet drops
The drug can be used in the treatment of gonorrhea. In this case, single administration of tablets in a volume of 250-500 mg is prescribed. Other gynecological diseases are treated with pills in the presence of high temperature and complications. Dosage and treatment are determined by the doctor. Analogues "Ciprolet" in the form of tablets or a solution can be prescribed. For the treatment of mild infections, 250 mg of the drug based on ciprofloxacin are administered twice a day. Tablets are taken on an empty stomach and washed down with plenty of water. The duration of treatment depends on the severity and form of the disease. In any case, therapy should not be discontinued as soon as symptoms disappear. The average duration of treatment can be 5 days. In difficult cases, an antibacterial drug is taken within a few weeks.

A little bit differently apply the drops of "Tziprolet" orCiprofloxacin. The instruction says that the medicine should be instilled in each conjunctival sac at least 6 times a day. In difficult cases, the medicine should be taken every hour. If there is a positive dynamics, the frequency of instillations is reduced. Bacterial corneal ulcer is treated with frequent instillations of a drug based on ciprofloxacin. In the first 6 hours of therapy should be instillation every 15 minutes. Then, during waking hours, 1 drop is injected every 30 minutes. Such treatment lasts several days. If the patient's condition improves, the dosage can be reduced. The average course of treatment is 14 days.


It is necessary to carefully control the state of healthPatient in the period of treatment Overdose has standard symptoms and can manifest itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, rash and itching on the skin. The patient is washed with the stomach and the dosage of the antibacterial agent is adjusted. To avoid any side effects, the instruction must first be carefully studied. Drops of "Tsiprolet" are not intended for internal use. They are used only locally. Specific symptoms when taking drops inside are absent. The patient may experience dizziness and nausea. As with tablets, this condition is eliminated only by washing the stomach.

The drug should always be inaccessiblefor children location. Tablets "Cipoet" are very dangerous for a small organism. It is not by chance that they are not prescribed to under-age patients. Harm can also inflict medication as droplets if used improperly. Overdose can cause dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes and excessive lachrymation.

Adverse Events

Some analogues of "Tziprolet", like the drug itself,can have some side effects. They are manifested in different ways. It all depends on the patient's weaknesses. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, flatulence, anorexia may appear. Most often, people who have already suffered liver disease suffer. In the most difficult cases, jaundice or hepatitis may develop.

From the nervous system may appear suchtroubles like headache, excessive fatigue, anxiety, sleep disturbances, limb tremors. Often a person in a dream begins to experience a sense of fear, there are nightmares. In the most difficult cases, depression develops, the patient is hallucinated. With the development of such side effects, the medicine should be immediately canceled. Further, other antibacterial agents are prescribed, as well as antidepressants.

From the senses can be observed suchdisorders, such as impaired sense of smell, photophobia, photosensitivity. The patient can feel pain where there are no abnormalities. Less often there is noise in the ears and hearing loss. Such phenomena are only temporary and the drug is not required to be withdrawn. It may only be necessary to adjust the dose.

With care appoint pills or drops"Tsiprolet" to patients who have problems with the cardiovascular system. There may be side effects such as lowering blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders, flushing of blood to the skin, tachycardia. Abolition of an antibiotic only if it contributes to a serious deterioration of well-being.

Often when using antibacterialfunds based on ciprofloxacin, there are allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching, blisters, odor, facial swelling and larynx. The most dangerous condition is the Quincke effect. If such a side effect develops, the medication should be stopped immediately. The specialist will help you choose the analogues of "Tziprolet", which will be more suitable for the body.

Interaction with other medicinal products

Before beginning therapy should be studied onmeans "Tsiprolet" instructions for use. Analogues, like the antibiotic itself, are not compatible with all medicines. Caution should be taken with tablets, solution or drops with preparations based on didanosine. This substance helps reduce the absorption of ciprofloxacin. As a result, treatment can be wasted. Antibacterial properties of the drug will be violated.

Ciprofloxacin should not be taken categoricallytogether with theophyllin. The concentration of the latter substance can be increased in the body. As a result, serious intoxication can occur, which will manifest itself in the form of nausea, dizziness, migraine, lowering blood pressure.

price of ciprofloxacin
When there is bleeding tablets"Tziprolet" can not be taken together with anticoagulants. Such interaction can lead to an increase in bleeding time. When taking any medications together, it is worth consulting with a doctor. Self-medication often leads to disastrous consequences.

Analogues of "Tsyprolet"

An antibacterial agent called"Ciprofloxacin" or "Tziprolet" is not always met in pharmacies. Despite this, there are many analogues that have a similar effect on the body. Popular among doctors, for example, are Medociprin tablets. Its main active ingredient, like the drug "Ciprolet", is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. Antimicrobial agent has a fairly broad spectrum of action. It is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, abdominal cavity, skin, bones of the joints, urinary tracts, etc. Medociprin tablets can be prescribed as prophylaxis after surgery. The medicine is also used in dentistry. It is prescribed for suppuration of gums and bone tissue.

antibiotic ciprolet price
The analogue "Tsiprolet 500" can not be assignedchildren under 15 years, as well as pregnant and lactating women. There are no other contraindications to Medociprin. In rare cases, there may be increased sensitivity to the main active ingredient.

Drops of "Tsiprolet" can be replaced byantibacterial drug from the group of fluoroquinolines "Ciprodox". The agent is used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the anterior chamber of the eyes. Contraindication is viral keratitis, as well as children under 15 years. This is due to the incomplete process of forming the human skeleton. For the same reason, do not prescribe a remedy for pregnant and lactating women. An antibiotic can contribute to a developmental disorder in the fetus or an already born infants.

Reviews about the drug and its cost

In most cases, the tablet "Tsyprolet"show a positive result already in the first days of therapy. Patients say that simple infectious diseases can be overcome in just 3-5 days using the minimum dosage. It is very important. After all, do not forget that antibacterial agents affect not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria. When using the minimal dosage of "Tziprolet" tablets, there is no need to take preparations to restore the intestinal microflora. Separately it is worth noting the low cost of the drug. It is no coincidence that the antibiotic "Ciprolet" is popular, the price of which is only 150-250 rubles in pharmacies.

Good reviews can also be heard about the drug"Tsiprolet" in the form of drops. The medicine helps to quickly overcome such ailments as infectious blepharitis and conjunctivitis. Unpleasant sensations with the use of a drug are rare. It is also gratifying that the medicine can be used for children older than 1 year. The price is also acceptable. "Ciprofloxacin" or "Ciprolet" drops in pharmacies cost only about 60 rubles.

The least you can hear reviews about the solution"Tsyprolet". In this form, the drug is used rarely. Most often in the form of a solution, "Tsiprolet" analogs are used. Their price ranges from 100 to 500 rubles. It all depends on the brand and the country of the manufacturer.

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