/ / "Ciprofloxacin" is an antibiotic or not? Description of the drug, instructions, composition, reviews

"Ciprofloxacin" is an antibiotic or not? Description of the drug, instructions, composition, reviews

Many infectious diseases are impossiblecure without the use of antibacterial drugs. In this case it is necessary to find out which pathogens caused the ailment. Only after carrying out of some analyzes the expert can make a correct appointment. A number of diseases today are treated with the help of drugs from the group of fluoroquinolines. Popular among specialists uses the antibiotic "Ciprofloxacin". Instruction for use describes the cases in which a medicament can be used.

pharmachologic effect

In medicine, the drug is widely used todayCiprofloxacin. It's an antibiotic or not, and we'll find out later. The drug, which is available in the form of tablets, as well as solution for injection, is referred to a group of broad-spectrum antimicrobials. The main active ingredient inhibits the synthesis of the protein of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the bacteria stop multiplying. Soon they die. In many cases, the drug "Ciprofloxacin" can be used. A group of antibiotics from this series has a high activity against almost all gram-positive bacteria, as well as microorganisms producing beta-lactamases.

ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic or not

Tablets are absorbed quickly enough fromgastrointestinal tract. When using an antibacterial drug, its bioavailability is 75%. The intake of food can influence the intake of the medicine. Therefore, experts recommend using tablets on an empty stomach or an hour after eating. The main active ingredient is distributed in the fluids and tissues of the body. The highest concentration of ciprofloxacin is found in bile. The drug is excreted in the urine.


When can I use the drug "Ciprofloxacin"? Is it an antibiotic or not? All these questions will be answered by a specialist. Doctors confidently assert that the medicine belongs to the group of antibacterial. Therefore, it can be used for various infectious diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the main active ingredient. Antibacterial agent is appointed as the main element of complex therapy of respiratory tract ailments, pelvic organs, bones, joints, skin, ENT organs. In addition, in patients with reduced immunity, tablets can be used for prophylaxis.

antibiotic ciprofloxacin instructions for use

For topical use also suitablebroad-spectrum antibiotics. "Ciprofloxacin" is used for infectious conjunctivitis, blepharitis, corneal ulcers, chronic dacryocystitis. As a preventive remedy, the drug is used after the operations on the eyes or after the foreign body enters them.

ciprofloxacin antibiotic group

A medication can not be administered during the periodpregnancy and lactation. Experts argue that an antibacterial agent can cause serious harm to an unborn baby. The use of "Ciprofloxacin" tablets is recommended after reaching 15 years of age.

In rare cases, patients may develophypersensitivity to the elements of the drug. If any allergic reactions occur, the patient should consult a doctor. It may be necessary to cancel the antibacterial agent or adjust the daily dosage.

Patients over 65 years of age are prescribed medication withcaution. Under supervision, an antibiotic is taken by people who have impaired renal function. Contraindicated pills for kidney failure.

special instructions

Strictly under the supervision of a physician, it is necessary to take"Ciprofloxacin" tablets to people with such diseases as cerebral arteriosclerosis, epilepsy, cerebral circulation disorder, convulsive syndrome of unknown origin. During the therapy, patients should consume large amounts of fluid. Thus, it will be possible to avoid the development of many side effects associated with the high toxicity of the antibacterial agent.

Virtually all antibiotics affect workgastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that drugs affect not only the pathogens, but also those that support the normal microflora. As a result, patients may experience symptoms such as indigestion, diarrhea. The specialist must prescribe drugs that restore normal bowel function. If diarrhea does not stop, to avoid dehydration, the prescribed antibiotics are canceled. Every specialist can say, the drug "Ciprofloxacin" is an antibiotic or not. Therefore, a qualified doctor will not use the medication as a monotherapy. To protect the patient from many side effects help drugs based on bifidobacteria.

ciprofloxacin antibiotic of which series

During the treatment of infectious diseaseswith the drug "Ciprofloxacin" it is necessary to control the concentration in the blood of a patient urea, creatinine, as well as hepatic transaminases. The increased content of these substances may indicate the development of hepatotoxicity. In addition, the doctor monitors the heart rate of the patient, and periodically measures blood pressure. Therapy with antibacterial agents in most cases is carried out in a hospital.


Strictly on the recommendation of a doctor should taketablets "Ciprofloxacin". A group of antibiotics can only be used as directed by a qualified specialist. The daily norm is determined individually in accordance with the form of the patient's illness, as well as the characteristics of his organism. The minimum dosage for patients over 15 years with oral administration may be 250 mg, the maximum - 750 mg. The whole daily norm is divided into two methods. The interval between tablets should not exceed 12 hours. The course of treatment can be long (up to 4 weeks).

broad-spectrum antibiotics ciprofloxacin

The drug can be administered intravenously. Single dose at the same time is 200-400 mg (also divided into two doses). Usually a two-week course is enough to completely overcome the ailment. The doctor decides on the continuation based on the overall picture of the disease dynamics. Intravenously, the drug is administered via a dropper within 30 minutes. With a jet injection, the bioavailability of the antibacterial agent is significantly reduced.

Local treatment can bevarious eye infections. The patient is given 1-2 drops of solution in each conjunctival sac 5-7 times a day. As soon as the doctor notices the positive dynamics of the disease, the interval between medications increases. The maximum daily dosage for adult patients should not exceed 1.5 g.


It is necessary to use with caution the antibioticCiprofloxacin. The instruction for use states that taking the medication at an increased dosage can lead to the development of side effects. First of all, the patient can feel the symptoms of poisoning. Signs of an overdose are dizziness and nausea. It is treated in a hospital. The patient is washed with a stomach and observed for his well-being. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is performed.

Remove toxins from the body in case of an overdosehelps a large amount of fluid. The patient should consume a lot of mineral water or unsweetened tea. A small amount of ciprofloxacin can be excreted by peritoneal dialysis.

Adverse Events

Do not take without consulting a doctorthe preparation "Ciprofloxacin". The antibiotic of which series is suitable in a particular case, can be determined only by a specialist after a series of tests. Incorrect use of antibacterial agents can lead to the development of side effects. Most often they are manifested by the digestive system. Patients may complain of stomach pain, nausea, or diarrhea. Less common symptoms are pseudomembranous colitis, flatulence, decreased appetite, cholestatic jaundice. Some patients completely refuse to eat. As a result, anorexia may develop.

From the central nervous system candevelop side effects such as dizziness, migraine, increased pressure, feelings of anxiety and fear. In some cases, patients develop depression. In severe psychotic reactions, such as nightmares, confusion and hallucinations, an antibacterial agent should be discarded. Mental disorders can progress. As a result, the patient can unknowingly harm himself.

Side effects sometimes develop from the sidesense organs. This is a violation of the sense of smell and taste, tinnitus, a significant deterioration in hearing. All these symptoms are reversible and completely disappear after drug withdrawal.

From the side of the cardiovascular system canobserved such phenomena as heart rhythm disturbances, hot flashes, arterial hypotension. On the part of the hematopoiesis system, such symptoms as hemolytic anemia, granulocytopenia, thrombocytosis can develop. Most often, these side effects develop with intravenous administration of the drug "Ciprofloxacin." Which group of antibiotics does not lead to the appearance of such symptoms, it is difficult to answer. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Drug Interactions

The way in which the drug "Ciprofloxacin" enters intoreaction with other medicines, once again proves that it belongs to a group of antibacterial agents. It is not recommended to use tablets together with didanosine. "Ciprofloxacin" forms complexes with salts of aluminum and magnesium, which are contained in didanosine. As a result, the bioavailability of the antibiotic is significantly reduced.

whether ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic

It is not recommended to use nonsteroidalanti-inflammatory drugs (NVS) together with the drug "Ciprofloxacin". It's an antibiotic or not, every specialist knows. Qualified doctors are confident that NVPs can provoke the development of seizures in patients who undergo antibacterial therapy. An exception is only acetylsalicylic acid. This substance does not harm the patient.

Substantially reduce the bioavailability of the drugdrugs that have in their composition, ions of zinc, iron, magnesium and aluminum. Therefore, the interval between taking medication should not be less than 4 hours. Antibiotic for prostatitis "Ciprofloxacin" is used only in extreme cases. This is due to the need to take medications based on iron ions and zinc.


Is "Ciprofloxacin" an antibiotic? This question is asked by many patients who are faced with this or that infectious disease. Doctors unequivocally assert that this drug belongs to the group of antibacterial agents. But it can only be used after an accurate diagnosis has been made. In pharmacies, there are many other preparations based on ciprofloxacin. Popular among specialists, for example, use tablets "Tsiprobay." As auxiliary substances, they use corn starch, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, macrogol, titanium dioxide, as well as hypromellose. Tablets can be used for various infections of the eyes, kidneys, genitals, respiratory tract and skin. Appointment specialist will do only when it clarifies what kind of microorganisms caused the infection.

antibiotic for prostatitis ciprofloxacin

Tablets "Tziprobai" can be prescribed for childrenover 5 years. Pregnant and lactating women do not prescribe an antibacterial agent. This is due to the possibility of violation of the integrity of the cartilaginous tissue of the fetus under the influence of ciprofloxacin.

A drug is also common"Ciprofloxacin-teva." Antibiotic or not this medication? If you can not do without antimicrobial therapy, the drug "Ciprofloxacin-teva" is able to provide effective help. It can be confidently asserted that it belongs to a group of antibacterial agents. Tablets quickly cope with infections of the upper respiratory tract, skin, pelvic organs. As a preventive measure, the drug is used before surgery in ophthalmology. The drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as patients younger than 15 years.

Reviews about the drug "Ciprofloxacin"

Patients note that with diseases of the skincovers perfectly helps the antibiotic "Ciprofloxacin" (photo of the medicine is in our article). Positive dynamics, they said, can be noticed already the day after the start of therapy. The drug also copes well with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is prescribed for tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Negative feedback can be heard only from thosepatients who did not take the drug correctly. Initially, the instruction should be studied for the preparation "Ciprofloxacin". Antibiotic gives good effect if you follow the proper dosage. Do not self-medicate. Proper assignment can only be done by a qualified specialist.

Where to buy the drug?

Antibacterial agent "Ciprofloxacin"is common. It can be found in almost any pharmacy. The medication is dispensed on prescription and belongs to the average price category. For one packing of tablets it is necessary to pay about 150 rubles.

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