/ / "Biseptol" - an antibiotic or not? Acquaintance with the drug

Is Biseptol an antibiotic or not? Acquaintance with the drug

Antibiotic is a drug obtained from substancesproduced by microorganisms or produced by an artificial (synthetic) method. They were united by one common name "antibacterial drugs".

Acquaintance with the drug

The question is, the medicine "Biseptol" is an antibioticor not, many people ask, unfamiliar with pharmacology. The answer to it can become fundamental, since some refer to this type of means extremely negatively, refusing to use them. Often, these drugs cause allergic reactions. If the patients know for sure whether Biseptol is an antibiotic or not, they will be able to decide more consciously about the medicine. This drug is time-tested, it is successfully used in pediatrics. Assistant in the appointment of this drug is a drug "Biseptol" (suspension) - the instruction details all the indications for use.


The active ingredient in this preparation isco-trimoxazole. It is this substance that fights the pathogenic microflora. It consists of two components that disrupt the course of vital processes in cells and the microbes that cause the disease, and simultaneously activate in the body the production of substances that can suppress the reproduction of microbes.

Biseptol antibiotic or not
Form of issue

Therefore, to answer the question about whether the drug"Biseptol" - an antibiotic or not, can be, saying that this drug does not belong to such, but is an antimicrobial agent. For the treatment of children, the most commonly used dosage form is a suspension with a pleasant strawberry taste, which is allowed for admission from 3 months.

Biseptol suspension instruction
It destroys staphylococci in the body,salmonella, streptococcus, shigella, hemophilic rod, proteus, legionella, neisery, brucella, mycobacterium and many other pathogens. This preparation is produced by the Polish plant Medan.

Diseases in which the "Biseptol"

Despite the fact that the answer to the question,medicine "Biseptol" - an antibiotic or not, negative, this remedy helps with many bacterial infections. So, for example, it is prescribed for inflammation of the lungs and bronchi, inflammation of the tonsils, middle ear, larynx, adnexal sinuses, kidneys, intestines and urinary tract. The drug is indicated for infectious diseases of the skin and digestive tract. It is used in the treatment of purulent wounds and boils. The effectiveness of the "Biseptol" is proven even when the infection has spread into the bone tissue.

Biseptol is an antibiotic or not


It is impossible to be treated by this remedy, if availableindividual intolerance of drugs related to sulfonamides. Also contraindications are severe kidney disease, liver, herpetic sore throat, blood diseases.


The drug should be taken at least three days. Its dosage depends on the age of the patient. Thus, we can say that the question of whether the medicine "Biseptol" is an antibiotic or not, has long been resolved. It is quite effective in many diseases. However, do not forget that before applying it, you must obtain the approval of your therapist.

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