/ / How is rhinitis treated?

How is rhinitis treated?

Perhaps one of the most commondiseases of the respiratory tract, known to date, is rhinitis. The disease is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which happens in both acute and chronic forms. Usually this is a symptom that indicates the onset of an infectious disease or the manifestation of an allergy. The disease can also appear due to a nose injury. Treatment of rhinitis should be started at the first appearance of symptoms. The latter include congestion, sneezing and mucous discharge from the nasal cavity.

treatment of rhinitis in children

If the disease occurs against a background of normalbody temperature, then in bed rest is most often not necessary. We recommend an abundant drink, warm foot baths, compresses. The main thing here is to blow your nose properly to clear the nasal cavity. It is also important that mucus does not get into the paranasal sinuses. This treatment of rhinitis is due to the main cause of its appearance, and this is most often the body's hypothermia (in other words, a cold).

symptoms of rhinitis

The cause of the disease can be andallergic reactions. Often such a runny nose occurs at a certain time. It is a reaction of the body to getting into it an allergen, which can be flower pollen, dust and other. Symptoms of rhinitis of this origin are abundant secretions of transparent color, sharp edema of the nose, frequent sneezing. In this case, the common cold can be combined with the appearance of conjunctivitis. Treatment of allergic rhinitis is carried out, mainly, in conservative ways, rarely it is necessary to intervene surgically. If the cause of a common cold is a viral disease, then it will be necessary to administer an interferon solution through the nasal passages (alternatively, the doctors prescribe the "Grippferon" remedy). In some cases, in acute rhinitis, experts recommend vasoconstrictive drugs, the purpose of which is to remove the edema of the mucosa, resulting in a respiratory relief.

One of the most effective therapies in thisIn case - minimize contact with a substance that causes negative reactions. If the swelling of the nose is severe, experts recommend using vasoconstrictor. The most effective in this situation are Otrivin, Ximelin and Naftizin, which is quite popular in Russia. However, treatment with rhinitis using these drugs is recommended only after consultation with an ENT doctor.

treatment of rhinitis

Antibacterial drugs for the nose are usedin case of complications caused by a runny nose. Among others, experts advise such drugs as "Bioparox", "Polidex" and others. However, these drugs have quite a lot of contraindications, as well as side effects, so doctors prescribe them only in case of emergency.

Treatment of rhinitis in children is most often performedwith the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. Special preparations are based on silver ions, for example, "Protargol" or "Collargol". However, they should be used for therapy only after consultation with an ENT doctor. It is recommended that when the signs of a runny nose appear, rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution or with such means as "Aquamaris", "Aqualor".

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