/ Is it possible to defeat an allergic rhinitis?

Is it possible to defeat an allergic rhinitis?

An allergic rhinitis is ainflammation of the mucosa of the nasal cavity, which is the response of the body to the introduced allergen. At the clinic, the allergic rhinitis is very similar to ordinary rhinitis, however, their treatment is fundamentally different.

An allergic rhinitis, what is the reason?

Allergic rhinitis is a response topenetration into the nasal cavity of atypical cells that cause inflammation factors: cytokines, interleukins, histamine. These substances have the ability to accumulate in the nasal mucosa and cause irritation, which manifests itself as an allergic rhinitis. The allergic rhinitis is divided into: seasonal (associated with the flowering of plants), permanent (associated with irritants with which a person constantly contacts) and professional (associated with occupational hazards that act as allergens). It manifests itself in a light, medium and heavy form.

An allergic rhinitis and its manifestations

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis are manifested in the formabundant and persistent discharge of watery mucus, difficulty in breathing, nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, loss of smell and itching in the nose. Sometimes they pass by themselves, sometimes disappear during the treatment. If a patient has at least two symptoms from the above and they are observed for more than an hour, the doctor may suspect an allergic rhinitis. Sometimes these symptoms can be accompanied by soreness and redness in the area of ​​the upper lip, nosebleeds, coughing, itching in the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation and headache. In severe cases, an allergic rhinitis is complicated by malaise, weakness, increased fatigue, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite and irritability.

Diagnosis of an allergic rhinitis

The most common diagnosis of allergic rhinitisbegins with a careful collection of anamnesis and examination of the patient. Sometimes, in addition to anterior and posterior rhinoscopy, a specialist can prescribe an endoscopy and a histological examination of the nasal cavity. Allergodiagnostics include tests that are responsible for detecting an allergen in the body. They are nasal-provocative, dermal and laboratory (determining the level of immunoglobulin). In some cases, the patient is given a blood test for degranulation of mast cells, this method is also widely used and effective in detecting allergens.

Allergic rhinitis and its treatment

Treatment of allergic rhinitis is the firstturn the elimination of the allergen that causes a runny nose. In this case, the drugs are administered intranasally in the form of drops and spray or orally, with the easy course of the disease, it is not forbidden to take antihistamine syrups and tablets (Loratodin, Kestin, Erius, Claratodin). In addition, sprays are prescribed in the nose (Azelastin, Nazonex). People with sleep disorders are often prescribed drugs that have a mild hypnotic and sedative effect (Clemastin, Suprastin, Fenistil). Today, many specialists practice specific allergen therapy, which is based on the dosed introduction of an allergen into the body. Such treatment allows you to get rid of allergies for a long time.

Allergic rhinitis: treatment with folk remedies

Today there is a huge choice of non-traditionalmeans for treating an allergic rhinitis, however, they do not always give the desired effect, although they can sometimes completely get rid of this problem. As a rule, their effect is enhanced if two or three methods are used in combination. Defeating allergic rhinitis is helped by natural nutrition and the exclusion of foods that cause allergies. In this case, it is necessary to exclude food additives, which often cause allergic rhinitis. One of the most affordable methods is calendula treatment (a solution for washing the nose is prepared by calculating one teaspoon of dry raw material per glass of water). Beetroot juice is an excellent remedy for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, it should be digested three times a day in each nostril, and during the day, even insert tampons with beet juice into your nose. Easy painless massage will strengthen the nasal mucosa and enhance the effect of medicinal antihistamines.

Getting rid of allergic rhinitis is not easy, however, if you try hard, it will work out!

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