/ / How to relieve the condition of people suffering from allergic rhinitis? Prevention and treatment

How to relieve the condition of people suffering from allergic rhinitis? Prevention and treatment

Allergic rhinitis is called one of the widelywidespread diseases of a seasonal nature. This inflammation of the nasal mucosa, causing the occurrence of a runny nose, itching, sneezing, edema of the nasal cavity. Rhinitis causes allergens that get into the eyes and the nasal cavity of a person predisposed to allergies. In the role of an allergen usually acts as a different dust, pollen of plants and grasses.


allergic rhinitis

In people suffering from allergic rhinitis, thisthe disease can be manifested with the following symptoms: nasal congestion, redness of the eyes, tearing, itching, discharge from the nose. There is weakness, irritability, drowsiness, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, and sometimes even depression. Signs of allergic rhinitis are manifested with special force only during a certain season - the flowering of herbs and plants that cause an allergic reaction. Some are forced to suffer with year-round allergic rhinitis. Respiratory manifestations of this type of disease are less pronounced, but they cause trouble throughout the year.

signs of allergic rhinitis


Methods of disease prevention:

  • Reduce or eliminate contact with the allergen.
  • Do not show up on the street in the morning and in hot weather, as in these hours there is the highest concentration of allergens.
  • Be sure to wear sunglasses and take a shower after a walk.
  • Observe a hypoallergenic diet.
  • Refuse to walk and travel outside the city.
  • Continuously ventilate the room.
  • Use air purifiers and special air conditioners with air purification systems.
  • Take antihistamines, which reduce the manifestations of allergic rhinitis.

The most optimal option for people suffering from allergic rhinitis is to leave for the time of flowering to another locality where there are no plants and herbs causing allergies.

seasonal allergic rhinitis treatment


Diagnosis of the disease is establisheddoctor-allergist after the analysis of blood and x-ray of the nasal cavity. If, as a result of the survey, the diagnosis of "seasonal allergic rhinitis" is established, the treatment is performed under the supervision of a physician.

In a mild form,anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs designed to combat the symptoms of seasonal rhinitis. One of the highly effective treatments is immunotherapy. Its essence lies in the fact that under the skin of the patient a solution of the allergen is introduced, which plays the role of an antidote. This procedure reduces the allergic reaction long before flowering of harmful plants.

There are also specially developed immunorehabilitation programs. They help restore the immune system and help the body cope with the disease.

Very effective is vitamin therapy,Protecting the body and increasing immunity. Vitamin C is found in citrus, salted cabbage, dog rose, vitamin B - in apples, beans, tomatoes, nuts, beef and chicken liver.

The main problem of the population is the erroneousTaking allergic rhinitis for an ordinary cold. Improper treatment of this disease can lead to its acute form, which will eventually develop into a chronic one. And chronic rhinitis requires treatment under the supervision of qualified doctors.

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