/ How will get rid of thrush?

How to get rid of thrush?

A milkmaid is commonly called a varietyfungal infection, which occurs quite often in women and men. The peculiarity of this disease is its ability to recur, so once solving the problem, one can not be sure that the disease will not return.

To understand how to get rid of thrush, you needto know how it arises. Provokes unpleasant symptoms uncontrolled reproduction of fungi belonging to the genus Candida. These fungi are almost always present in healthy people, but as long as their numbers remain within certain limits, they do not cause anxiety.

But when, under the influence of some factorsfungi begin to multiply intensively, then there is a disease called candidiasis, or thrush. Most often the disease manifests itself on the mucous of the genital organs, in the oral cavity, sometimes on the skin. Candidiasis can affect the internal organs, for example, candidiasis of the intestine is considered as a form of complicated dysbiosis.

Now, to understand how to get rid of thrush,It is necessary to understand, what factors contribute to the fact that "peaceful" fungi suddenly go on the offensive? The reason here is one - weakened immunity. This can happen against the background of stress, taking medications (antibiotics), in the presence of endocrine diseases and, of course, with HIV infection. Another risk factor for the emergence of thrush is pregnancy, because during this period the immune forces of the female body are weakened.

Can I get a yeast infection from a patient?partner in sexual intercourse? This option is not excluded, but we must remember that candidiasis is not a venereal disease, so it can develop without external infection.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis is the appearance of secretions, reminiscent of the consistency of cottage cheese, itching in the vulva, a burning sensation. Sometimes women complain of painful urination.

In men, the symptoms are similar, they are also troubled by itching, white discharge appears from the urethra, and whitish plaque can be seen on the mucosa of the glans penis.

In children, most often, there is candidal stomatitis, the symptoms of which is white plaque, which covers the tongue and mucosa of the oral cavity.

If you are thinking how to get rid of thrush,then the correct solution to this problem is only one thing - you need to see a doctor. The fact is that symptoms similar to thrush may be in other diseases, for example, gardnerelleza, chlamydia, etc. Therefore, before setting an accurate diagnosis, using any medication is not only useless, but also harmful.

But even if the diagnosis is confirmed, just answerthe question of how to get rid of thrush, only a doctor can. After all, the choice of treatment regimen depends on the stage of the disease, and on the sensitivity of fungi to medicinal products.

So, at the initial stage of the disease, as a rule,enough local treatment. Women are prescribed vaginal suppositories, men receive cream. Quite often, clotrimazole is used for thrush. These are vaginal suppositories, issued under the name Kandibene, Antifungol, Kanizol, and others.

Sometimes a doctor appoints patients once a drug based on flukanazol. These are tablets for oral administration, available under the name Flucostat, Diflucan, Mycosyst, and others.

But what to do with a thrush that has acquireda recurring form? In this case, as a rule, fungi affect both the internal organs - the intestine, the bladder, therefore, getting rid of infection requires a long and complex treatment. Typically, in the treatment, in addition to drugs that inhibit the growth of fungi, include immunomodulating agents, vitamins and drugs that promote the formation of normal intestinal microflora and vaginas.

And as a prevention of relapseit is recommended to adhere to the principles of healthy eating, to engage in physical education, to find time to stay in the fresh air. In addition, categorically it is not recommended to use douching (without the appointment of a gynecologist) and to wear synthetic underwear.

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