/ Life is good or how to get rid of thrush forever.

Life is good or how to get rid of thrush forever.

Thrush is an extremely unpleasant disease with whichEvery woman is familiar. In medicine, it corresponds to the term "candidiasis", since the causative agent is the Candida fungus, various varieties of which are found on the skin, mucous membranes, and the environment. In order for the fungus to enter the body, special conditions are necessary, but getting inside it begins to multiply intensively, because the human temperature is simply created for this.

The most common form is vaginalcandidiasis, in which the woman immediately begins to ask the question "How to get rid of thrush forever?" and runs with him to the doctor. The first signs of anxiety are the pain in the perineum and the vagina. Later, the doctor will detect the mucous membrane, covered with white coating. In addition, the itch will begin to be accompanied by curdled discharge. The disease can progress with weakened immunity, when the balance between the resistance of the organism to the pathogen and the actively multiplying infection shifts towards the latter.

When symptoms appear, refer togynecologist who will prescribe an analysis to confirm that it is a thrush. How to get rid of itching in case of a positive diagnosis, the specialist will also tell, since sometimes thrush can coexist with other infectious diseases, which also need to be treated.

Modern medicine knows how to get rid ofthrush forever. This requires a comprehensive and phased approach to treatment, in which, apart from the pathogen itself, predisposing factors to relapse are excluded. To get rid of thrush forever you need to take the drug both locally and internally. Relapses are more often found in women with endocrine system diseases and some chronic diseases.

In some cases,help and the question "can I get rid of thrush?" gets even more acute. How to resist the disease in this case will show a series of tests aimed at elucidating individual immunity to the action of specific antifungal medicines.

Any woman should know that only a comprehensive treatment will show how to get rid of thrush forever. Consider the stages of this treatment in more detail:
1) inhibition of fungal activity,
2) measures aimed at improving the performance of the immune system,
3) measures are being taken to restore normalvaginal microflora, however, before that, the acidity indicators are adjusted, since it is precisely its increased indices that are favorable for fungal development.

Even though it is almost treatedthrush, how to get rid of itching a woman still does not know, because it creates a lot of physical discomfort. To get rid of it before the end of treatment is unlikely to be possible.

Pre-treatment measures
Before you get rid of thrush forever,with the help of medicines prescribed by the doctor (if you did not have the opportunity to address it), you can take a number of measures to suppress fungal activity:
- do not lead sex life for 10 days,
- Do more frequent washing, using aqueous solutions of soda or furacilin,
- Follow a diet: do not consume pickles, spices and spicy foods to further increase the acidity of urine, as this will increase itching; replenish the diet with fruits, vegetables, porridges, etc.
- to accurately after treatment, whether it is possible to get rid of thrush, exclude all actions that may be the cause of diaper rash, sweat and irritation,
- Change the sanitary napkins during menstruation more often, so as not to create a favorable environment for the development of the fungus.

At the end of the article I would like to note that it is not worth ittrust ads that tell you that you can get rid of thrush in just three days. It is unlikely that such treatment will exclude relapses, since in any case the normal course of treatment is at least 7-10 days.

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