/ How to get rid of cockroaches once and for all? Good advice

How to get rid of cockroaches once and for all? Good advice

These ubiquitous survivors live today notonly in old houses, but also in new buildings! If you think that the observance of complete purity will exclude their appearance in your home, then you are deeply mistaken. They can easily get to you from the neighbors from below and start multiply multiplying in the darkest corners of your apartment. Who are they? Right! These are red mustachioed cockroaches! We learn how to get rid of cockroaches once and for all!

Unsuitable "orderlies"

Very few people are pleased to find these creatures in theirkitchen for a delicacy - untidy bread crumbs from the table or the remains of food on an unwashed plate. Such "orderlies" are unlikely to be needed ... Even the speeches can not be of any use on their part. Only harm! Not only is it unpleasant to live next to cockroaches, they are still carriers of infectious diseases, which are dangerous for our health.

how to get rid of cockroaches once and for all

How to get rid of cockroaches once and for all?

We note at once that mechanical methods of combatingthese red beetles can hardly be called effective. Well, you slam a couple of individuals with a tap, so what? The brood all remains! No, here it is necessary to launch more "heavy artillery" in the course.

how can you get rid of cockroaches

How do you think the professional will answer you?pest control on the question of how to get rid of cockroaches forever? Correctly! He will say: "With the help of pesticides specially developed by our firm." But this is very expensive, and where is the guarantee, what is safe? To believe these experts is like telling God about your plans! No, that does not suit us either ... What should we do? Do not despair! A ready and safe solution still exists!

Remember: The safest and most proven way to get rid of cockroaches once and for all is to bait them with boric acid! It is this substance - the most terrible poison for cockroaches! At the same time for humans and animals it is absolutely harmless! Judge for yourself: the red mustache receives a certain portion of the acid, sufficient for its death. If it is not so, then the cockroach before death will fight in agony. Even if the dose of acid is trivial for him, he will be able to infect his relatives, and they are unlikely to want to return to where they got this infection.

How to effectively get rid of cockroaches in a complex way?

In the continuation of the topic of boric acid ... For more effective destruction of these creatures, we should use a comprehensive method of struggle. We make "deadly balls". To do this, the raw egg yolk is mixed with the powder of the above boric acid until a thick slurry forms. Next, we make thick balls, we arrange them in those places where the greatest accumulation of red beetles is observed. All! Now we just have to watch what is happening.

how to effectively get rid of cockroaches

These stupid redheads must startto show interest in a new subject. It is enough to touch a cockroach antennae to the prepared "death ball", as soon as irreversible contact of the parasite with boric acid occurs. The insect will perish instantly or suffer a little before death. Since these insects do not know how to warn each other about the threat of danger, soon all the cockroaches of the brood will come out to look at these balls ... They rest in peace!

There are such inhuman methods of how to get rid of cockroaches once and for all! And what to do: life is a game, here and play beautifully!

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