/ / The tooth was removed, in the hole something white: the causes, treatment

Have removed a tooth, in a small hole something white: the reasons, treatment

The process of tooth extraction is prettyunpleasant, because it always causes severe pain and discomfort. But this does not stop the torture, because in place of the removed tooth there is a hole, which can be ill and even bleed for several days after the procedure. But this does not cause any concern exactly until the moment when a white coating appears in the hole. What should be the treatment after tooth extraction? What is the norm, and what should alert? About all the details of the processes occurring after the extraction of the tooth in the presented article.

The reasons for the formation of a white coating in the hole

If there is something white in the socket of the removed tooth,it is necessary to panic at once, after all it can be simple protective reactions of an organism. Quite often a white coating in the gum area is created from the protein of the coagulating blood system and is a natural bandage that blocks the access of various harmful microorganisms and protects the area affected by tooth extraction from injuries.

But this does not always happen, and in the holethe removed tooth white plaque can be formed as a result of disruption of the healing process. In the first and second cases, the raids are white, but quite different from each other. Unfortunately, a simple person will find this difference quite difficult. Therefore, an elementary knowledge of the healing process will help to identify the pathology in time if it exists.

As a result, it can be noted that the formation of a white coating in the well can be triggered by the following factors:

  • normal healing process;
  • alveolitis - inflammatory process;
  • presence of sharp edges near the hole;
  • inadequate withdrawal of the tooth.

removed a tooth in the hole something white

Features of proper hole healing

Retention of the tooth root in the hole occursthanks to the periodontal ligament, and through the apical opening into the dental cavity penetrate the blood vessels and nerve. After removing the tooth in its place, blood clots are formed, which protects the bone walls from various kinds of infections and are sources for the formation of a new bone.

Around the tooth cervix at this time is a circular ligament, in the process of contraction of which the inlet in the hole narrows.

In this case, saliva plays an important role,Since it contains a stabilizing element such as fibrin. It is a protein that forms in the process of blood clotting. During the appearance of the blood clot, partial release of fibrin takes place on the surface, so a white coating forms on the mouth of the hole after performing the tooth extraction procedure. In other words, this scurf is a natural bandage that prevents contact of the blood clot with the infected oral cavity. About a week after the tooth extraction procedure, the epithelial barrier is formed, and the white coating gradually dissolves.

Many believe that after the formation of the barrierepithelium has already occurred the process of full-fledged healing, but this is not entirely correct. The fallacy of opinion is due to the fact that in addition to the appearance of the epithelial barrier, regenerative processes must end, and they last from three to six months. Photo after tooth extraction you can see in the article. As you can see, the healing passed without any complications.

white plaque in the socket of the removed tooth

Appearance norm of the well

How long does the tooth heal after removal? On the first day the hole can swell a little, on its surface are visible points from the needle, which was injected with an anesthetic. The blood clot has a dark maroon color, in its consistency resembles a jelly. The clot is completely placed in a hole or even slightly above it.

At the end of the day, a white coating forms on the hole, and its mouth narrows slightly. Puffiness, as a rule, remains or even slightly increases.

And then how does the tooth heal after removal? In the period from three to seven days after the procedure, the white hole still remains on the hole, while the puffiness decreases, and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity again becomes normal color. Due to the separation of fibrin from the saliva and the formation of new epithelial tissue, the well is practically not visible. And after ten or fourteen days, complete healing takes place after tooth extraction.

something in the socket of the removed tooth is white

Features of development of alveolitis

Have removed a tooth, in a small hole something white? This may be a signal that the alveolitis is progressing. The development of the inflammatory process in the well can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. In case of poor hygiene of the oral cavity or in the presence of an inflammatory process in the mouth or ENT organs.
  2. If tooth extraction was performed during the acute course of periodontitis, the emergence of harmful microorganisms from the periodontal focus.
  3. Because of the absence of blood from the well inThe process of using anesthetic containing adrenaline. As a result, the formation of a blood clot does not occur, and the hole remains open for the penetration of bacteria.
  4. Leaching or lifting of a blood clot during a meal.

As a rule, the development of the process of inflammationbegins on the third or fourth day after the procedure for the extraction of the tooth. Manifestations of inflammation begin with the swelling of the gums, while touching it there are painful sensations. It is worth noting that the pain does not disappear anywhere, it is constantly present, and in the process of food intake can even increase. There is a formation of plaque, its color, in contrast to the plaque with normal healing of the socket is not so white, it can be more likely called yellow or grayish. There is an unpleasant odor, a person can smell the pus in his mouth.

If there was a leaching or dropping of blooda bunch, everything here looks a little different. Painful sensations appear on the third or fourth day, there is swelling and redness in the gum area. The lump looks like a groove in the circle, which is the gum of white color. Inside the hole you can see the remaining parts of the blood clot and a gray plaque.

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Treatment of alveolitis

When these symptoms are manifestedimmediately go to the dentist, it is preferable that it is the doctor who made the tooth extraction, because he already knows the clinical picture.

After examining the hole, the dentist will choose one of the following treatment methods:

  1. Conservative type. It consists of processing the wells with an antiseptic and applying bandages to the affected area. For oral administration, prescribe drugs that suppress the process of inflammation and antibiotics. In the role of local therapy, the treatment of the well with a mix of manganese and hydrogen peroxide is often used. When these funds are combined, a chemical reaction takes place, during which a foam is formed, which carries out the remaining particles of infected tissues from the well.
  2. Surgical type. From the hole, all infected tissues are removed mechanically, then this zone is treated with an antiseptic agent, and in its place a new blood clot forms. In addition, the use of antibiotics is an essential element.

Presence of sharp edges at the hole

Have removed a tooth, in a small hole something white already enougha long period? During the healing of the well, the following processes occur: formation of the bone and the appearance of the mucous membrane. At the same time, bone must protect the blood clot or gum from the very beginning. In the case of the development of such a situation, in which one of the walls of the socket rises above the others or has a sharp edge, it performs a cutting of the forming mucosa and protrudes into the oral cavity. This makes it unprotected.

In turn, the unprotected walls of the well can provoke the emergence of an acute margin or alveolitis.

Identify a similar pathology in a fewweeks after the procedure of tooth extraction, if at the end of this period in the hole still visible white, dense and sharp to the touch point, then this is not normal.

treatment after tooth extraction

How to get rid of the acute edge of the socket?

If the area of ​​the wall of the socket that is allocated in the oral cavity is small, you can try to remove it by your own efforts. In others, the situation will require a fairly simple operation.

If the patient receives a local anesthetic, the doctor will move the gum in the area of ​​the excavated wall fragment and remove it using a forceps or a drill, possibly a suture.

Manifestations of incomplete tooth extraction

Incomplete removal of the tooth quite oftenprovokes the occurrence of alveolitis, but in the case of a strong immune system and quality care for the oral cavity of the inflammatory process may not occur.

It is worth noting that you can see the rest of the tooth only 2-4 days after the procedure for its removal, since the recession of the gum occurs only after the formation of a white coating.

how much the tooth heals after removal

What to do in case of a defective tooth extraction?

First you need to visit the dentistso that he finished the procedure for tooth extraction. For full confidence in the success of the procedure, it is recommended to ask the doctor for an x-ray image, where it will be finally seen whether the tooth is completely removed or not.

how the tooth heals after removal

Features of behavior after the procedure of tooth extraction

It is worthwhile to understand that if all the rules are observedbehavior after tooth extraction in the hole, something white will be the norm for only a few days and the probability of developing the inflammatory process is significantly reduced.

Among the main rules of behavior after tooth extraction are the following:

  1. If, at the end of the procedure, the doctor gave a tampon impregnated with an anesthetic or an antiseptic, then it should be kept in the mouth for about half an hour.
  2. Day after removal of the tooth should not try in any way to remove the blood clot.
  3. You should not try to feel the hole with your tongue.
  4. During the day after the procedure, it is forbidden to draw any liquids, for example, a drink through a straw.
  5. For 2-3 hours after tooth extraction it is advisable not to eat.

These basic rules are the key to a normal healing process if you have a tooth removed. In the hole, something white will not bother you!

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