/ What should be the diet for gout on legs?

What should be a diet for gout on legs?

According to specialists, a diet for goutlegs is one of the primary components of complex treatment. As you know, you can not completely forget about this disease, but you can make longer periods of so-called remission. Moreover, the diet with gout on the legs allows a whole lot to improve the patient's condition and prevent the emergence of exacerbations. Let's talk about this issue in more detail.

diet with gout on the legs

According to leading experts, with thisit is very important to observe a certain diet. For example, you should eat regularly, about four times a day. Fasting or overeating is strictly prohibited. Diet with gout on the legs also means underneath themselves and a plentiful drink. So, a day should drink at least two liters of fluid. It can be as the most ordinary still water, and a variety of compotes, herbal decoctions, weak tea.

That you can not eat?

diet with exacerbation of gout

First of all, the restrictions affecta variety of meat dishes, including offal, animal fats and even fish broths. Diet with gout on the legs prohibits the use of seafood, caviar and canned foods in the diet. It is also necessary to abandon absolutely all types of legumes, spices (horseradish, pepper, mustard), alcoholic products. Do not abuse strong tea, cocoa or coffee.

What can you eat?

  • Diet with exacerbation of gout, according tospecialists, should be exclusively vegetarian. It implies the use of a variety of fruits and vegetables, milk soups, and fermented milk products in the diet. As for vegetables, they are allowed to eat in absolutely any quantities and variations (cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, etc.). Of
    gout symptoms treatment diet
    sweets, preference should be given to pastille, marshmallow and marmalade. Useful and considered a variety of fruits (apples, apricots, pears, etc.).
  • When exacerbation of the disease is also recommendedarrange a small unloading days. They imply the use of exclusively milk (cottage cheese + kefir) products or fruit-vegetables. Such a diet contributes to the so-called "alkalinization" of urine and the subsequent improvement of the solubility of uric acid.


In conclusion, it should be noted that thisA cardinal change in the diet should be strictly controlled by highly qualified specialists in such a disease as gout. Symptoms, treatment, diet - all these are very delicate questions, you should not study them yourself. When you have already diagnosed this kind of disease, the doctor, of course, appoints not only therapy, but recommends the appropriate diet described in this article individually, based on the characteristics of your health. That's why you should not deal with self-medication, as well as resort to alternative medicine. Eat right and stay healthy!

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