Diet "Favorite": reviews, menu and result
Diet "Beloved" is a popular waydropping excess weight. Why is it exactly? Yes, because her menu does not suggest a hunger strike, which allows you to eat every day delicious and lose the excess weight.
Diet "Favorite": reviews and recommendations
Each diet has its own characteristics, and the "beloved"is not an exception to the rules. What foods are prohibited during this diet? Naturally, salt and sugar - these two white powders are harmful to our figure. Also, any fizzy drinks, alcoholic beverages, flour, as well as various sweets are prohibited. Probably, this is not news for all those who lose weight. Diet "Beloved", reviews of which are very contradictory, should not be a constant system of losing weight. Of course, it is good as a quick method of getting rid of extra pounds, but for regular use is not suitable. In addition, it is forbidden to eat on such a system, if you have gastritis or kidney problems.
Diet "Favorite": reviews and menus
As already mentioned above, reviews about this dietvery contradictory. This is primarily due to the fact that many do not comply with the proposed diet. So, every day of the diet is designed for one particular product, which during the day can be consumed in large quantities.
First day: drinking - it is allowed to consume water in any quantity, it is also possible to use non-fat kefir. It should be noted immediately that water during the diet should be present in the menu daily in an amount not less than 2 liters.
Second day: vegetable. On this day you need to pay more attention to tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, best of all - white-headed. During the day you can eat separately, and for dinner prepare a salad, only without salt and butter.
The third day: again drinking. It is worth noting that on such days there may be drowsiness and fatigue, it can be filled with a cup of coffee, naturally, without sugar and milk.
Fourth day: fruit. Any number of fruits is allowed, however their total daily weight should not exceed three kilograms.
The fifth day: the day of protein food. Here, the "Beloved" diet, which can be easily found, allows you to eat boiled breast, fish and eggs. However, you do not need to eat that day.
The sixth day is again drinking. And the last day of the diet is transitional to normal diet: several eggs, a light broth or vegetable salad will help to evenly get out of this diet.