/ / Maniacs of Novosibirsk: modern criminal history

Maniacs of Novosibirsk: a modern criminal history

Novosibirsk - large enough and beautifulmodern city. Walking in the day along its well-groomed streets, it's hard to believe that something bad can happen here. Unfortunately, the statistics of criminal reports show the opposite. Maniacs of Novosibirsk from time to time go to their bloody hunt. Especially for you in our article is the most complete list of serial criminals who wielded in the Novosibirsk region in the most recent past.

«Novosibirsk series»

Maniacs of Novosibirsk
In 1998 in peaceful Novosibirsk they began to finddismembered bodies of young women. Very soon it became clear that this was a series of similar crimes in handwriting. The murders continued until 2006, and then abruptly ceased. In different years, the investigation put forward various versions. Because of the severe disfigurement of the bodies and the lack of evidence, it was impossible to say who committed all these terrible crimes: one murderer or various maniacs of Novosibirsk. Over time, all crimes were combined into one criminal case, which received the working title "Novosibirsk Series." The very same killer was often called "Jack the Ripper" or "Satanist maniac". The thing is that some strange objects were found near some corpses, which, in the opinion of the investigators, carry a mystical, occult meaning. In just 8 years, 17 girls aged 19 to 30 were killed. The bodies of the victims were mutilated so much that some of them could not be identified. Another interesting fact - the killed girls were similar to each other externally, the investigation managed to establish that most of them were engaged in prostitution.

"Jack the Ripper" caught?

In Novosibirsk detained maniac
Not many maniacs of Novosibirsk "became famous"as much as "Jack the Ripper" or "Satanist." This criminal kept the whole city in awe during the period from 1998 to 2006. Fragments of the bodies of his victims, he did not hide, but as if specially kept in mind to be discovered faster. During the operational-search activities, many witnesses were interviewed. When the samples were found to the investigators, the genetic material of the killer was conducted, about 300 examinations were conducted. Surprised operatives and the sudden cessation of violent crimes. At first, the police were afraid that the killer had just left for another region. However, no such murders were recorded in any city in Russia. It was quite by chance that a maniac was caught in the spring in Novosibirsk. "Jack the Ripper", "Satanist" - all this presumably his nicknames. The suspect was a fifty-year-old resident of the city. According to some sources, this man himself worked for many years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Perhaps, it was this fact that helped him stay free for so many years?

Deadly trips

In 2015, the city has a new serialmaniac. Novosibirsk literally shuddered at the news. Will the Bloody Novosibirsk Series continue? Victims of the murderer again became young women, their bodies were found in forest plantations at the entrances to the city. Some corpses were sufficiently disfigured. His last victim was dismembered, which caused considerable difficulties in the identification. When panic began again in the city, civilians were delighted with the unexpected news - a maniac was detained in Novosibirsk. The killer was a thirty-nine-year-old taxi driver - Alexei N. Catch the criminal succeeded in hot pursuit, almost immediately after the discovery of the corpse of his last victim. It is established that a maniac-taxi driver in Novosibirsk killed 4 women. He lured all his victims into the car with a suggestion of a ride, taken to uninhabited places, where he then raped and killed.

Serial rapist from Novosibirsk

Maniac taxi driver in Novosibirsk
In the autumn of 2013 in Novosibirsk was detaineda sexual maniac who committed 4 rapes and one unsuccessful attempt at rape. This is a man at the age of 33, living in Novosibirsk. All the offenders committed offenses on the street. The rapist pounced on his victims from the back, then, using physical force and threats, moved women to deserted places, where he committed violent acts of a sexual nature. Investigators emphasize the fact that if the offender was not detained in time, there is a high probability that he would have committed many much more serious crimes.

A maniac pedophile is detained in Novosibirsk

Serial maniac Novosibirsk
In 2013, the investigators of Novosibirsk succeededdetain a criminal who committed violent acts of a sexual nature against minors. The oppressor was a 43-year-old resident of the Kirov region. The criminal acted (like many other maniacs of Novosibirsk), observing certain precautionary measures. His victims he chose on the street, then "escorted" to the apartment. And only after making sure that the child is at home alone, under a plausible pretext, penetrated into the apartment. The criminal was detained on suspicion of committing at least 5 similar in handwriting episodes.

In Novosibirsk, a robber was convicted, who committed a series of attacks on women

Maniac in Novosibirsk jack the ripper
In 2003, a criminal was caught in Novosibirsk,committed about 50 attacks on women. This case received little publicity outside the Novosibirsk region, but seriously worried residents of the city. The criminal has received an informal nickname "lifter" for attacking his victims in lifts of multi-storey houses. The main motive of the crimes was robbery. In situations where victims refused to voluntarily transfer their property to the attacker, the criminal brutally beat them, raped several. The burglar and rapist was caught during an attempt to sell stolen valuables. The criminal was a 29-year-old resident of Omsk, who came several times a month to Novosibirsk to "hunt."

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