/ / The distance from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo

Distance from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo

If a person has set out to pave the way fromNovosibirsk in Kemerovo, then he has several ways to implement the plan. It is worth saying a few words about the most popular vehicles, such as a car, train, plane and bus.

By car

The distance from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo is258 kilometers. If there is a personal vehicle, then it is recommended to make a small trip on it. The approximate travel time is about 3 hours and 30 minutes. This is an inaccurate indicator, since it is worth making an error in the speed of the car, the presence of traffic jams and personal preferences of the driver.

novosibirsk kemerovo

Between the two points there is only one route,on which it is possible to overcome this path. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to shorten the distance. But the road promises to be pleasant - practically on every site it is flat, has no complex forks and is equipped with bright markings.

On the way, there will be three DPS posts, you must follow the rules of the road, so that there are no undesirable problems.

About settlements

The distance from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo is 258 kilometers. In the process of overcoming it there will be three settlements where you can stop to have a snack or a rest.

distance novgorod kemerovo

  • The village of Voronovo is 81 kilometers away.
  • On the 209 kilometer path - the village of Dawn.
  • On the 243 kilometer route - the village of Krasnogorsky.

It is better to plan ahead and plan your route, providing all the necessary stops and the need to arrive at gas stations.

By train

The route from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo is not the mostsimple. Practically every day on it road accidents are fixed. Basically, they are due to the excess of the speed limit. Not everyone will want to risk their own lives, so many travelers prefer the safest means of transport - the train.

Unfortunately, the direct route between the twopoints does not exist. There is only one passing flight, which is not carried out every day - train number 30. On the main railway station of Novosibirsk it arrives at 00:22, after four hours - at 5:00 - arrives at the station of the city of Kemerovo.

bus to kemerovo

There are also several options to get todesignated point on the train. The passenger who gave preference to this particular vehicle will have to make three transplants. Of course, such a tedious path is not enough for anyone.

About buying a ticket

Buy a train ticket to Novosibirsk-Kemerovoyou can in the ticket office of any station. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the availability of seats on a single site of Russian Railways. The minimum cost of a travel document is 900 rubles. If the passenger decides to choose a coupe, he will have to shell out for 1,700 rubles.

Kemerovo highway Novosibirsk

By plane

Today, a direct flight from Novosibirsk toKemerovo does not exist. This is due to the insignificant distance. Nevertheless, the airport is available on the territory of each city. If desired, you can overcome this distance with a transfer in the city of Moscow. Flight is carried out every day. Approximate travel time is less than 3 hours. This is the most expensive option, the price of one ticket will be more than 6500 rubles. It is reasonable to use it only for those passengers who additionally need to do business in the capital.

On the boat

Between the cities of Novosibirsk and Kemerovo proceedsriver Ob. Some people experiment and decide to make an absolutely free route, going downstream. It is worth noting that this is a very dangerous undertaking, and the journey time will be more than one week.

By bus

Every day there is a bus from Novosibirsk toKemerovo. This is the most convenient mode of transport, since without transfers it is possible to get from the center of one city to the center of another. The journey time is about 4 hours and 30 minutes.

Kemerovo highway Novosibirsk

A passenger who decides to travel by bus,it is possible to choose any suitable option for yourself. There are more than 20 identical routes per day. The first departure takes place at 5:00, the last at 22:40. Problems with the purchase of a ticket, as a rule, does not arise, you can purchase it a few minutes before the departure of the vehicle. The cost can vary from 670 to 772 rubles per person.

For such a long distance, only imported express trains are sent. They are equipped with adjustable seating, air conditioning and TV. The trip will be very comfortable.

How to get from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo? As it turned out, there can be several options. The most convenient vehicle is a personal car, it can be reached from one point to another as quickly and comfortably as possible. If there is no such option, as well as opportunities to become a fellow traveler (or to take a taxi), it is reasonable to give preference to the bus. The train and the plane use rarely because of the absence of a direct flight and the high cost of the ticket.

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