/ / From Ekaterinburg to Novosibirsk: distance is not an obstacle!

From Ekaterinburg to Novosibirsk: distance is not an obstacle!

Between Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk distancenot the smallest - more than a thousand kilometers. Overcome it with comfort for yourself is not always possible. After all, you will agree, do not really want to waste your time on moving. Therefore, we have collected for you several optimal options that will help you to get from one city to another in comfort.

Machine: for self

From Yekaterinburg to Novosibirsk the distance tothe car makes 1559 kilometers. It is clear that it will not be possible to overcome it quickly. On average, the trip will take about 22 hours. And this despite the fact that you will have to move without stopping. Add to this time for snacks and sleep, if the driver is only one. In this case, you will arrive in Novosibirsk at least a day later.

If you still chose for yourself this kind oftransport, then when you leave Ekaterinburg, take the M-51 motorway. When you get to the junction, take the P-354 and follow it to Novosibirsk.

екатеринбург - distance from Novosibirsk

Please note that such a trip will fly you a pretty penny. Only for gasoline you will give at least 5 500 rubles. The maximum price, which will have to pay for such a trip, will be 8,500 rubles.

On shifting

Sometimes the distance between Novosibirsk andEkaterinburg can be overcome with the help of the Bla Bla Car service. Let's say you are going to a city. To make the trip not so expensive, you can find a fellow traveler heading in the same direction, and take it with you. Of course, provided that he will cover part of the cost of gasoline. Thus, you are left to win, because you were able to cover part of the expenses, and your fellow traveler could get to the city he needed for a smaller amount.

Unfortunately, the direction "Novosibirsk -Yekaterinburg "is not very popular, so the chance to find a person who travels along the same route is very small, but when planning your trip, do not be lazy to go to the site and check if someone is still going to the desired city. it will be possible to save considerably on the ticket: the prices for Bla Bla Car are often quite low.

Need comfort? Catch the train!

If you want to go in comfort, you canto travel from Ekaterinburg to Novosibirsk by train. The whole trip takes you about 18 hours. Given that you can sleep lying down and move around the car, it's not so scary.

distance by car

The cost of moving in this case varies from 1,700 to 5,000 rubles. At the same time, the closer the ticket is purchased to the departure date, the higher the probability that you will overpay for it.

To get a train ticket is not a problem: it departs 5 times a day. If you look at the time, the compositions are sent at 06.29; 09.52; 16.33; 16.41 and 19.50. In any case, it is better to call the train station in advance and specify the schedule, since it has the property of changing.

The prices for tickets in the reserved seat start from 1,700 Russian rubles per seat. But for the coupe will have to pay much more - the cheapest ticket will cost 3 200 rubles.

From Yekaterinburg to Novosibirsk distance can beto overcome on passing trains. True, it can take a little longer. For example, on the passing train "Moscow - Tomsk" the journey will take as much as 22 hours. Also you can take a passing train from Moscow, going to Khabarovsk, Abakan, Ulan Bator, Chita, Novokuznetsk, Severobaikalsk and Neryungri. A train from Adler, passing straight to Novosibirsk, passes by Ekaterinburg. Also there is a possibility to take a train from Ekaterinburg to Novokuznetsk.

distance between Novosibirsk and Ekaterinburg

The cost can also vary significantly. When one route starts from 1,900 rubles per seat, in another they start with 4,500 Russian rubles for the same category of car.

Airplane ride

From Yekaterinburg to Novosibirsk, the distance can beto overcome on the plane. This option is the fastest: you will spend about two and a half hours on the flight. At the same time, tickets can be found at a relatively small price - 1,700 rubles for one way ticket. In this direction, airplanes of such airlines fly, as S7 Airlines, "Victory" and "Yamal".

Of course, tickets should be bought in advance, becausecloser to the date of travel they always go up. In addition, if possible, do not fly on Friday. Before the weekend tickets are always more expensive. It is better to go on a weekend trip: at this time tickets are usually the cheapest. So from Ekaterinburg to Novosibirsk distance can be overcome quickly and relatively inexpensively.

How to get to the airport?

From the center of Ekaterinburg to the airport you cantake the bus number 1 and number 10. From the main bus station of the city they leave every 10 minutes, but it is better to arrive in advance: the driver can wait until enough people are typed. The trip takes a little more than an hour and costs 60 rubles.

distance on the train

When you arrive at Tolmachevo airport inNovosibirsk, take the bus number 11E. He leaves the bus station every half hour. The ticket costs 60 rubles, and the duration of the trip to the final - 35 minutes.

As you can see, it's not so difficult to get from Ekaterinburg to Novosibirsk. Find budgetary tickets for the plane is not difficult, and in a couple of hours you land in the city of destination.

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