/ / Project documentation is ... Reconciling the project documentation

Project documentation is ... Reconciling the project documentation

Buying a long-awaited land withthe intention to build their own housing, a person must be familiar with the rules and regulations that govern such work. He also needs to understand the procedures and activities preceding or accompanying the construction. The owner of the property must understand what architects and builders are talking about in order to make the right decisions, control their work and get the house of their dreams as a result.

section of project documentation

Planning and Design

Faced with the need for individualMany people understand that it is impossible to do without a specialist in this business, who knows how the development of design documentation, its coordination, correction and approval takes place.

Even the simplest single-storey house should beerected in compliance with the norms adopted at the legislative level. In addition, many requirements are imposed on modern housing concerning comfort, convenience, style and prestige. Working documentation and project documentation developed on a professional level allow building beautiful and functional houses equipped with high-quality heating systems, provided with water and sufficient electricity.

However, first of all, cooperation with specialists at all stages of construction makes the facilities safe and durable.

What you should know about "ideal" projects

Project documentation is not only a plan of what,how the house looks. This combination of requirements for residential buildings with the wishes of the owner (text and graphics). The development of project documentation requires a huge amount of theoretical knowledge and practical experience from a specialist who is engaged in it. Failure to comply with the proportions of the premises, a mistake or omission regarding the location of electrical wires, gas pipes or water supply systems, can turn a future house into an uncomfortable or even life-threatening construction.

coordination of project documentation

Therefore, architects and builders with such ironyrefer to dreamy customers who want to get the perfect house. Of course, for them the owner's opinion on how rooms, doors, windows and openings should be located is important for them, but the expansion of the nursery, the transfer of walls or the additional window may contradict the rules. The architect is better aware of the feasibility and feasibility of using new engineering systems, about what permissible load on the floors, how pressure should be distributed to the foundation and other similar nuances.

What is individual design?

Development of design documentation for constructionAtypical or non-standard residential buildings are considered one of the most optimal ways to build comfortable housing. Do not think that individual design is too expensive. Most often thanks to this approach, the owners are able to save on basic and decorative building materials, as well as on the performance of many types of work.

Composed together with the architect individualproject documentation is the ability to bookmark certain materials (profitable for price, delivery or installation), miscalculation of their interchangeability and rationality of use. However, if a person independently develops or reworks a project, he risks making mistakes. For example, if the material is not properly selected, a phenomenon such as a "cold bridge" can occur, resulting in increased operating costs for heating the finished house.

Stages of designing residential buildings

First of all, the owner of the land plot should be engaged in testing its intended purpose. The possibility of building must be documented by the village or district council.

Having this document on hand, as well as the state(confirmation of the right to dispose of land), it is necessary to render "in kind" its size and area. Only then can project documentation be developed. This is a sequence of several stages. The first of these is a sketch that should contain three main components:

  1. Landing the house on the site. This is done in such a way that it is possible to form an opinion on the most important factors: the location of the sides of the world and panoramic views, the presence and nature of the buildings on neighboring lands, the direction of prevailing wind types, the availability and quality of access roads, the possibility of locating auxiliary structures in the future (garages, baths, wells).
  2. Image of the internal layout of the building. Here, the number of people who will live in the house, their age and way of life is important. Based on these data, the architect plans the required number of floors and the size of the main functional areas (living room, kitchen-dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms, wardrobes). In addition, here indicate the balconies, terraces and verandas, if they will. This procedure contains requirements for project documentation.
  3. Type of decoration of the building's facade (materials that will be used for exterior decoration, as well as the type of roof).

What do you need to get a business passport

After the preliminary drawing is ready, its visualization is done and the design task is drawn up, the site owner receives the following drawings:

  • The plan of the house, which shows each floor, the size and area of ​​the rooms, the approximate arrangement of furniture, as well as the total area of ​​the entire building.
  • The facade of the house from various points of view, as well as perspective types, which should indicate the types of finishing materials, color solutions and the number of windows.
  • The main section of the building. It indicates the height of the ceilings, the shape of the attic space, the rise of the staircase.
  • Scheme of the master plan.
    development of project documentation

Often such project documentation issufficient amount of information for the issuance of the project passport. Submission of this package to the state authorities is becoming one of the most important and complex stages of building a house. The coordination of project documentation and the receipt of the relevant document is the basis for the development of a working project.

Do not neglect the importance of this type of work, as a detailed discussion and rational planning can create a really comfortable, energy-saving house.

What is the working documentation and project documentation?

Working documents (texts, drawings, specifications)based on the solutions set out in the draft. Resolution No. 87 "Composition of project documentation" does not prohibit the parallel development of both types of documents.

When starting a working design, specialists usually deal with the following issues:

  • Choose building materials for everyonestructures that are part of the building (bearing and external walls, partitions, interfloor, roof, foundation). Their choice depends on how convenient and rational is the delivery, storage and installation of mixtures, wood, bricks and other elements.
  • Calculate the load on the foundation: the maximum weight of snow on the roof, walls, ceilings, furniture and equipment (approximate figures). Calculation of the parameters of the foundation, as well as other important structures: bearing walls, lintels above the doors and windows, reinforcement belts for laying under the floors, staircases.
  • Design systems for the supply and removal of water (thosesites that will be in the building), indicate the type of connection to the septic tank and well, calculate heating and ventilation, and also provide electricity (indicate the power of lighting devices, sockets, switches and their location).
  • Conduct wishes and calculations, provided by engineers and designers, in a harmonious architectural project.
    Resolution of the project documentation

In fact, the design documentation (GOST 21) differs from the working design in fewer technical details and nuances.

Value of savings for the construction and future use of the building

Correctly and correctly compiled working draftallows you to significantly reduce the costs of the owner of the object for the purchase of materials and payment for construction work. In addition, the number of residues is reduced: the boards, tiles, bricks and other items purchased "with a reserve" do not accumulate.

Also, this document will avoid unnecessarycosts for electricity and other resources in the future. Of course, in order to achieve truly tangible savings, you must follow the rules of installation and installation of materials.

project documentation is

Structure of project documentation

In general, the sections of the working projectare listed in the relevant document: Resolution No. 87. The resolution (the composition of the project documentation) provides for more than ten sections. Among them are:

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Scheme of how the plot will be built up.
  3. Architectural solutions.
  4. System of constructive and space-planning solutions.
  5. Systems of heating, ventilation, water supply, electrical supply, ventilation and others.
  6. Plan for how the construction works will be organized.
  7. Measures for the demolition or dismantling of the facility (in the case of redevelopment or reconstruction).
  8. A list of actions that will be taken to protect the environment.
  9. List of fire safety measures.
  10. The solution of the issue of the movement of low-mobility groups (disabled, pensioners).
  11. Estimate for the erection of each object and other documents.

Decision on project documentation servesa benchmark for experts who analyze and verify the paper provided to them. This event is carried out necessarily, for which they turn to public or private specialists. By and large, they are engaged in reconciling the developed projects with the current regulations and technical regulations.

working documentation and project documentation

Private and state expertise of project documentation are considered equally valid. Projects approved by a specialist should be approved by the Stroynadzor.

With what it begins and how the approval of project documentation passes

The beginning of cooperation between the site owner and the developer (contractor) is the conclusion of a contract with the transfer of all rights and obligations of the parties.

The contract document includes two parts: legal and technical.

The first is a text directly and briefly describes the essence of the relationship between the parties. It includes:

  • Introduction.
  • Characterization of the subject of the contract.
  • Planned stages of construction.
  • Indication of the cost of services and works.
  • Specific terms for the implementation of construction and repair activities.
  • List of rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement, as well as an indication of their responsibilities.
  • Conditions under which payment will be made.
  • List of force majeure circumstances.

In addition to the text part, the contract mustinclude design estimates, otherwise it can be recognized as invalid. The technical section describes which building norms will be applied when building a house, as well as the type and amount of the works themselves.

When the customer and the contractor came to a common denominator, and the project is developed, it is given to experts and specialists for study.

The sequence of actions for documenting the construction

The very first and most important stageagreement is the submission of the developed project (more precisely, its architectural and planning part) to the local city planning authority. If the chief architect signs the documents and confirms the external appearance of the future building, then we can assume that this part of the project is coordinated.

Then each subsequent section of the project documentation is submitted to the appropriate authorities:

  • Placement of external networks.
  • Ecological section (when planning the construction of an industrial facility).
  • Section of project documentation on road traffic (in the case when it comes to a motor transport facility).

When the stage of coordination is completed and allpermits will be received, the project is sent for a comprehensive examination. This is the name of the state examination of project documentation. It checks compliance with all norms and requirements: fire, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, as well as those relating to labor protection and energy conservation. The decision is made by representatives of several instances:

  1. Expert Council under the Government.
  2. GlavExpertises.
  3. Ministry of the RF for Civil Defense and Emergencies.
  4. Ministry of Natural Resources.
  5. Ministry of Health and Social Development.
  6. Ministry of Industry and Energy.
  7. Federal authorities.
    state examination of project documentation

In the event that the construction is financedbudgetary funds, the examination also includes a thorough check of the estimated, base cost. When it is claimed, this figure appears in the tenders and contractual agreements.

If the funds belong to an individual, the customer may refuse to examine the estimate.

Specificity of negotiations

In the process of agreeing the project, the customer orthe contractor appeals to the experts for a positive conclusion, which would confirm the legality and safety of the future building. Often there is a misunderstanding between designers and specialists due to different views on the current legislation. In this case, for clarification, it is necessary to involve developers of normative documents.

This is the order in accordance with whichthe issuance of a building permit. The same way must pass the owner of the property to perform its reconstruction, restoration or major repairs.

Among owners of houses there is an opinion thatto legalize the work actually done (construction or redevelopment) is almost easier than getting an agreement in the usual way. In practice, this leads to delaying the procedure, legal litigation, imposition of fines or, in extreme cases, the demolition of illegal construction.

Today there is a large numberspecialized firms that act as intermediaries between customers (site owners and buildings) and state authorities. As a rule, access to such specialists allows to significantly reduce the time for collection and submission of documents, and also increases the chances for their successful coordination. This is due to the fact that professionals are always up to date on current news, they know which of the laws are canceled or changed, how to circumvent this or that rule.

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