/ / Project activities in the GEF kindergarten: what is it for and what are its types

Project activities in the GEF kindergarten: what is it for and what are its types

Before the pedagogical collective there is an importantthe task: to release inquisitive and active children to school; therefore, educators write different programs according to the established standard. They also carry out project activities in the kindergarten of GEF.

What is GEF?

Project activities in kindergarten by GEF -this is the interaction of teachers, children and their parents. As a result of teamwork, children develop cognitive abilities and creative thinking. The children learn to search for information on their own and apply it in practice.

When it comes to project activities inkindergarten on GEF, the educator should remember that for the child he becomes an equal partner. To create a trusting relationship, the teacher must comply with certain conditions.

  1. The educator does the tasks with the children - so he makes it clear that they are on the same level. The adult-teacher simply shows the techniques and watches the activities of the children.
  2. The child should take part in the classes voluntarily. The task of the educator is to interest children in their activities.
  3. Free movement of children during classes.
  4. Work on the project at an individual pace.

project activities in the GEF kindergarten

How is the

The project activity in the garden is under considerationoutside the traditional grid of activities. Each project requires careful planning and thinking over the details. The project activity in the GEF kindergarten is based on the following theoretical principles:

  • the focus is on the child;
  • the individual pace of children's work is maintained, so that everyone can achieve success;
  • Basic knowledge is easier to absorb because of its universality.

Why project activities in children. the garden is always relevant? Because every kid has its own obvious and hidden features, and at every age - sensitive periods. This direction allows us to take all this into account and create the necessary conditions for the maximum realization of children's opportunities.

project activity in the garden

Types of project activities in the garden

  • Research. The main goal in this direction is to find answers to the questions: "why", "how", etc. The preschooler not only listens to what the educator tells him, but also becomes a researcher and tries to find the answer to the question. The task of the educator is to create conditions for the child's independent search for answers.

Further, the preschool child is included in the projectactivity and together with the teacher conducts experiments, etc. Then the child demonstrates the result of his research activities and tells how he understood the topic. The educator also offers intellectual games to consolidate the studied material.

  • Creative. The peculiarity of this type of project activity in the GEF kindergarten is the length of time and the collective character. At the initial stage there is a discussion and choice of the topic, then the educator seeks ways to motivate each child to take part in the work.

The most difficult part in the creative approach is the stage,on which children try to come to a common solution, because preschoolers still have a hard time communicating their point of view to each other. The educator should not take sides, he should give the children the opportunity to come to an independent decision.

project activity in the garden

This will help children overcome egocentrism and get outto a new level of communication. Then the idea is realized and its presentation. Show the result is not all children, and elected representatives who will talk about the progress of work.

  • Normative. Project activities in the GEF kindergarten in this direction imply that children themselves create a system of rules and norms in the group. These projects help solve educational problems, but are implemented only by children.

Of course, this does not mean that the teacher is notcontrols the process of creating rules. Initially, the educator conducts ethical conversations with children, during which necessary behavior is formed. Then there is a discussion of adverse consequences, and only then are the rules of the group formed.

project activity in the garden


Summarizing, we can say that the need forproject activity is due to the fact that it allows expanding the field for children's research. It develops not only intellectual, but also communicative skills not only for children, but also for adults, therefore, for greater effectiveness, project activities are included in the educational program.

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