/ / Project activities in the Dow: diversity and specificity

Project activities in Dow: diversity and specificity

The term "project" encompasses afuture, planning to achieve a certain result. Project activities in the DOW can be realized through the development of projects of different levels of the educational process: managerial, pedagogical, educational.

Management projects in the pre-university

They are aimed at the reorganization of the preschooleducation in the person of this institution. The new management system should be more effective than the old, based on new federal state requirements and new regulations in the field of preschool education. The managerial project activity in the DOW covers all pedagogical workers and parents of pupils. Projects in the field of management are also aimed at improving the process of attesting teachers, improving their skills, professional competence of all participants in the pedagogical process. The technology of project activity presupposes a step-by-step solution of management problems based on the developed algorithm of actions. The planned result is planned to be achieved at a certain date through the implementation of the system of measures. As a result, a preschool institution can enter a new level of management, acquire a new status, and change the type of educational activity.

Pedagogical projects in DOW

Developed by one or more educatorson a single topic. The project can be aimed at developing the personal qualities of preschool children or their knowledge in any educational field, which is indicated in the project goal. Teachers can be combined into creative groups, distributing the tasks of the project at age. As a result, a common project is being developed. Pedagogical project activities in the DOW can be aimed at reorganizing the forms of education and upbringing, developing a priority direction for the development of children in the kindergarten, using new means and methods in the education of preschool children. The effectiveness of the pedagogical project is assessed through a monitoring system that helps to measure the neoplasm. Monitoring results are analyzed at least twice a year, which makes it possible to correct the pedagogical activity on the project in time.

Educational projects in the University

Projects are aimed at the joint work of the teacherand preschoolers. Projects for preschoolers are practical in nature so that the results can be assessed visually. Children actively participate in educational activities on the project topic. At the same time, the teachers think over how to include the maximum number of children in the group, how they can track performance, what methodological materials and materials are needed to ensure that the project activities in the DOW are effective, interesting and useful for children. For example, the project "Garden on the window" in different age groups can be designed in the form of fairy tales or plot events. Children together with the teacher think over the arrangement of improvised beds, decide which seeds will be planted. The results can be photographed or sketched with the date. For each landing can be assigned to the responsible: one or two children. The plot can be changed in accordance with the development of plants.

Project activities in the DOW can beis represented not by events, but by separate projects, when one of them is an integral part of another, more ambitious project. Innovation, which is introduced into the educational activity of the institution, must be scientifically based, meet the education standard and be useful to all project participants.

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