How to help a child adapt in kindergarten quickly
For many parents, the question "how to help the childto adapt in a kindergarten "is very important, because in each family there comes a time when a toddler should attend a children's institution, and this is not always due to the fact that there is nobody to leave it with. The kindergarten is an opportunity for the child to get new impressions and experience of communication with peers, as well as learn a lot of new things.
But many children hardly get used to children's institution. Changing the situation and the usual regime for them is the strongest stress. A child can become
Most importantly, you need to choose the right childgarden. Now there are specialized institutions that work with children with disabilities in health and mental development, or are deeply involved with their children's music or sports. There are also private kindergartens, where more attention is paid to individual work with children. Parents should learn more about different institutions for children, talk with other parents, watch the caregivers.
A lot depends on the caregiver, and the problem,how to adapt in kindergarten, it will be easier to solve, if the child with the tutor immediately has a contact. Therefore, parents need to communicate more with teachers, talk about the habits and nature of their
The problem of how to help a child adapt tokindergarten, it will be easier to solve, if in advance to prepare the baby for the regime and rules of behavior in the group. Some time before entering the children's institution, the child must at home eat the food that is fed in the garden, because many children do not like the porridges and soups that they give. The regime of the day at home should also be as close to the garden as possible. If the baby gets used to this at home, it will be easier for him to adapt. The main thing is to teach the child to sleep from 13 to 15 hours.
Parents long before entering kindergartenshould know how to help the child adapt. The most difficult thing is for kids who do not know how to play, listen and follow the directions of adults. You need to play with the kid more often in different games, especially story-role, read to him and teach to listen carefully. So it will be easier for him to join
Some babies who enter kindergartenat an early age, suffer from a lack of self-service skills. You need to teach the child to dress, go to the pot yourself and eat. Very much prevents the process of adaptation of the habit of sucking a nipple or wearing diapers. It is necessary to disinhibit the baby from this in advance.
The problem of how to help a child adapt in a kindergarten will be solved easily, if the parents themselves are positive about the visit to the kindergarten, they will not worry and get nervous.